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Also Jeshua and Bani and Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, and the Levites helped the people understand the law; and the people stood in their place.

Also I have made a decree, that whosoever shall alter this word, let timber be pulled down from his house, and being set up, let him be hanged thereon; and let his house be made a dunghill for this. 11我再降旨,无论谁更改这命令,必从他房屋中拆出一根梁来,把他举起,悬在其上,又使他的房屋成为粪堆。
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. 8我又听见主的声音,说,我可以差遣谁呢,谁能为我们去呢。我说,我在这里,请差遣我。
Also I in the first year of Darius the Mede, even I, stood to confirm and to strengthen him. 1又说,当玛代王大流士元年,我曾起来扶助米迦勒,使他坚强。
Also I shook my lap, and said, So God shake out every man from his house, and from his labour, that performeth not this promise, even thus be he shaken out, and emptied. 尼5:13我也抖著胸前的衣襟说、凡不成就这应许的、愿神照样抖他离开家产和他劳碌得来的、直到抖空了。
Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. 诗89:27我也要立他为长子、为世上最高的君王。
Also Jeshua and Bani and Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, and the Levites helped the people understand the law; and the people stood in their place. 7耶书亚、巴尼、示利比、雅悯、亚谷、沙比太、荷第雅、玛西雅、基利他、亚撒利雅、约撒拔、哈难、毗莱雅、和利未人,帮助百姓明白律法;百姓都站在自己的地方。
Also Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, the Levites, explained the law to the people while the people remained in their place. 尼8:7耶书亚、巴尼、示利比、雅悯、亚谷、沙比太、荷第雅、玛西雅、基利他、亚撒利雅、约撒拔、哈难、毗莱雅、和利未人、使百姓明白律法.百姓都站在自己的地方。
Also Jeshua, and Bani, and Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodijah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, and the Levites, caused the people to understand the law: and the people stood in their place. 尼8:7耶书亚、巴尼、示利比、雅悯、亚谷、沙比太、荷第雅、玛西雅、基利他、亚撒利雅、约撒拔、哈难、毗莱雅、和利未人、使百姓明白律法.百姓都站在自己的地方。
Also Milan official Leonardo joined the party. 米兰官员莱昂纳多也参加了这次聚会。
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Also Quote in: Black Stainless Steel galvanized strapping. 另请报价:黑色不锈钢电镀的带子.

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