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Appropriate remedial action could be taken to help the students.

Appropriate intermediate can radiate without much deviation since its initiation. 适当的媒介可以在辐射开始时就产生较小偏差。
Appropriate measures to ensure segregation of duties. 采取适当措施确保责任的划分。
Appropriate measures, provided that they are consistent with the provisions of this Agreement, may be needed to prevent the abuse of intellectual property rights by right holders or the resort to practices which unreasonably restrain trade or adversely af 只要与本协定的规定相一致,可能需要采取适当措施以防止知识产权权利持有人滥用知识产权,或采取不合理地限制贸易或国际技术转让造成不利影响的做法。
Appropriate proportion. Appropriately combining public and private is an ideal mechanism and permanent motive force to social development. A dialectic coordination of the two will make them supplement each other. (三)比例适当。公、私有机结合、比例适当是社会发展的理想机制、不竭动力。握好二者的辨证关系就会相反相成。
Appropriate protective gloves must be worn while performing the ‘see-saw’ method. 必须戴上合适的保护手套,当执行这个“拉锯法”的时候。
Appropriate remedial action could be taken to help the students. 可以采取适当的补救措施帮助学生。
Appropriate scheduling for efficient irrigation and measures for controll ing water table will be the keys to the answer to the problems. 合理的灌溉方式和地下水位的有效控制将是解决问题的关键。
Appropriate seafarers' recreational facilities, amenities and services, as adapted to meet the special needs of seafarers who must live and work on ships, shall be provided on board for the benefit of all seafarers, taking into account Regulation 4.3 and 为了所有海员的利益,在船上应提供适合于满足必须在船上工作和生活的海员的特殊需求的适当海员娱乐设施、福利设施和服务,同时考虑到规则4.3和相关守则中关于保护健康和安全及防止事故的规定。
Appropriate solvent could increase the permeation selectivity of the imprinted membrane for the template. 合适的渗透溶剂可提高印迹膜对模板分子的渗透选择性。
Appropriate stimulating current for electrically palpitative sensation in blind eyes was detected. 4. 3.用适当的电流刺激失明眼,则可测得类似之电气刺激反应。
Appropriate use of reading time is invaluable. 对于考试时间的合理使用是非常重要的。

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