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We can look around the world today and find examples of self-sacrifice, of generosity, of courage and heroism, of love.

We can leave early in the morning before it gets too hot. 不等天太热,我们一大清早就出发。
We can let you to use this room, but you must keep it neatness. 我们可以让你用这个房间,但你要保持房间整洁。
We can listen to music broadcast by radio. 我们可以由收音机来收听音乐广播。
We can live in the past or dream about the future, or we can live for today. 我们可以活在过去或对未来的憧憬之中,也可以活在今天。
We can live rough a bit. 我们可以凑合着过几天艰苦生活。
We can look around the world today and find examples of self-sacrifice, of generosity, of courage and heroism, of love. 那么让我们来看看今天的世界吧,来看看那些能牺牲自我,慷慨大方,勇敢的,有爱心的人吧。
We can look at the cards we receive and try to extrapolate, but this only goes so far. 我们可以看着收到的卡片浮想联翩,但仅此而已。
We can look at the investigator's posture to understand if he has interest. 我们可以看慕道友的姿势,了解他有没有兴趣。
We can look up the word in the dictionary. 我们可以在字典里查阅这个词。
We can make a difference by getting involved. 我们可以通过参与(此事)而使其有所改变。
We can make a difference, if we try. 若我们肯去尝试,就可以使这光境变得不同.

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