Remember that everything seeks the center of gravity and important tops and bottoms are formed according to centers and measurements of time from a center , base or beginning point , either top or bottom .The angles formed going straight up and across ,ma
记住,任何事情都是要寻找一个引力中心,重要的顶和底的形成都是遵照一个价格中心和一个可测量的时间中心点,一个基准或起点,或者某个顶部和底部,一个角度形成直接的向上或者穿越交叉,可能形成一个同样的在股票运行的日,周,月,和年的穿越和交叉。 |
Remember that identity as a frequency is the sum total of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies broadcast as electromagnetic pulsations.
回忆起身份如同频率是你们身体的,精神的,情感和以电磁脉动传播的灵性身体总和。 |
Remember that if the formulation misses the expectatilns of the customers you will sell only a part of the shipment.
记住,如果设计的配方不符合顾客的需求,你将只能出售部分货物。 |
Remember that in general the smaller the tortoise the more likely it is to end up as a hibernation casualty.
不要忘了,通常越小的龟龟越容易在冬眠中夭亡。 |
Remember that in the past CIA mind control experiments have involved LSD as well as electro-shock treatment.
记得CIA过去精神控制试验卷入了LSD和电击治疗试验。 |
Remember that it's better to trade a few big moves a year (and close them out profitably) than to trade co tantly.
记住,与其不断地交易,不如每年少交易几手(并在赢利时出手)。 |
Remember that it's better to trade a few big moves a year (and close them out profitably) than to trade constantly.
记住,与其不断地交易,不如每年少交易几手(并在赢利时出手)。 |
Remember that it's just several Interpolated Noise functions added together.
记住这知识几个插值的噪声函数叠加在一起。 |
Remember that job I interviewed for? I got it.
记得我去参加面试的那个工作吗?我录取了。 |
Remember that life is a process, not an event.
记住,人生是一段过程,而不是一件事情。 |
Remember that life itself is a gift!
要记住:生命本身就是一份礼物! |