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Jacqueline left Olivier, and he and Christophe became interested in the syndicalist movement.

Jacobson's group often criticizes at a variety of restaurant foods. Some critics deride the group as self-appointed food police. 雅各布森所在的这个消费者组织常对餐馆提供的食物进行批评。一些批评人士嘲讽这个组织为“自封的食品警察”。
Jacobson, Matthew Frye. Whiteness of a Different Color: European Immigrants and the Alchemy of Race. 1998. 《不同肤色族群的白化:欧洲移民和族群的融合》1998.
Jacobson, Walter A. Gunnar Myrdal and America's Conscience: Social Engineering and Racial Liberalism, 1938-1987. 1990. 《甘纳·缪达尔和美国的道德良心:1938-1987年间社会工程和种族自由主义》1990.
Jacqueline Kennedy undertook the coordin- ation of the White House restoration. 杰奎林.肯尼迪承担了协 调白宫的修复工作.
Jacqueline Winters of Schindler\'s Corporate Communications says, Riding a destination elevator is like taking a limousine instead of the bus. 辛德勒公司企业通讯部门的贾桂琳.温德斯说:「搭乘目的层电梯就像坐大型豪华轿车,而不是公车。」
Jacqueline left Olivier, and he and Christophe became interested in the syndicalist movement. 雅葛丽纳离开奥里维出走了,他与克利斯朵夫开始对工团主义运动感兴趣。
Jacques Chirac, France's president, is demanding “border-tax adjustments” (ie, tariffs) to be charged on goods from countries that do not constrain carbon. 法国总统希拉克正在要求对从那些没有限制温室气体排放的国家进口的货物进行国境税的调整(例如:关税)。
Jacques Hadamard,,The shortest path between two truths in the real domain passes through the complex domain., 实域中两个真理之间的最短路程是通过复域.
Jacques Rogge announced the tougher policy Friday in Osaka, Japan on the eve of the World Athletics Championship. 罗格星期五在日本大阪世界田径锦标赛开幕前夕宣布了这项更为严格的政策。
Jacques Saunière was considered the premiere goddess iconographer on earth. 雅克·索尼埃被认为是全球有关女性崇拜图像符号学的第一专家。
Jacques, an art connoisseur, has amassed an art collection, but it will all be sold off. 这天,来巴黎追梦的纯真女孩无意间闯入所有人心房。

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