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18 Here you will not only enjoy fabulous and exciting performances by martial artists, but also Peking Opera and acrobatics show.

18 Chi-Yuan Liang, 1987.06, Energy Demand Management in The Republic of China, Monograph Series No. 32, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica. 20梁启源,民国74年12月,「能源与台湾产业之技术变动二十九部门之实证研究」,能源经济学术研讨会论文集,页18-35,中华民国能源经济学会。
18 Cycling tests for receding doors. 后斜门的循环试验。
18 Don't be fussy.Take any one. 不要挑三拣四,拿一个。
18 Emphasis on the development of information technology has enabled us to have the edge on our competitors in terms of analyzing the global information and distributing this to our customer base. 18对信息技术开发的重视使我们能够在分析全球性信息以及在我们的客户圈内传播这些信息方面战胜竞争对手。
18 He sent ten men to mend the dent in the engine's tender. 他派了十个人去修理机车头的煤水车上的凹陷.
18 Here you will not only enjoy fabulous and exciting performances by martial artists, but also Peking Opera and acrobatics show. 18您在这里可以欣赏精彩的、扣人心弦的武术表演,也可以观赏京剧节目和杂技表演。
18 In November 1942, the Russians launched a counterattack. 1942年11月,俄国人发起了一场反攻。
18 It is a condition of this insurance that the Assured shall act with reasonable despatch in all circumstances within their control. 被保险人应在所有其控制的情况下合理迅速地行动是本保险的一项条件。
18 It's time for us to get up. 19 It's time to play games. 该我们起床的时间了。该是我们做游戏的时候了。
18 June 2007 - EU's imports of Chinese clothing surged in the first quarter, as a clear sign that China's share of the European market may further climb when quotas will be eliminated at the end of the year. 2007年6月18日--欧盟中国服装进口在第一季度激增,有明显的迹象表明,当配额在今年年底消除时,中国占欧洲市场的份额可能会进一步攀升。
18 Let beggars match with beggars. 龙配龙,凤配凤。

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