Set in a mythical universe complete with elves and orcs, the game allows players to simultaneously combat each other or form strategic alliances . |
中文意思: 在这个神奇的宇宙中,玩家们与精灵和鬼怪住在一起.既可以相互厮杀又可以建立战略同盟. |
Set forth the question on study basalt, put forward the orientation about research and develop on study basalt for the future, and ought to play an important role in study continent dynamics.
阐述了研究中存在的问题,提出了今后的研究和发展方向,认为玄武岩研究应在大陆动力学研究中扮演重要角色。 |
Set gold base tea table: This tea table not only for drinking tea, but also can put stuff inside very useful.
金地套茶座:这套茶座不仅用于饮茶而且茶座上面有一个盖子,打开可以放置物品在里面,既美观又实用。 |
Set hardware breakpoint. Mode can be r- read, w- write or x- execute.
设置硬件断点,文式有只读,只写,执行. |
Set head pressure, split flow, and septum purge flow to appropriate levels.
设置相应的柱头压、分流比、隔垫吹扫。 |
Set in 1898, this movie is based on the true story of two lions in Africa that killed 130 people over a nine month period, while a bridge engineer (Val Kilmer) and an experienced old hunter (Michael Douglas) tried to kill them.
英国人要在非洲兴筑铁路,但因附近有两头食人狮子而令工程停顿,神枪手米高.德格拉斯被召到现场,与工程师韦.高曼联手捕狮。 |
Set in a mythical universe complete with elves and orcs, the game allows players to simultaneously combat each other or form strategic alliances .
在这个神奇的宇宙中,玩家们与精灵和鬼怪住在一起.既可以相互厮杀又可以建立战略同盟. |
Set in a period ending with the First World War, it shows Kate Roberts' skill at revealing the failings and virtues of people.
小说以第一次世界大战的开始为结尾,显示了凯特·罗伯茨揭示人类失败与美德的高超技巧。 |
Set in a small Yorkshire village, this is the story of a year in the life of three generations of women living under the same roof.
这部小说以约克郡的一个小村庄为背景,讲述了同一屋檐下三代妇女在一年中的生活。 |
Set in ancient China, the action-packed adventure tells the story of a martial-arts expert, Xiong, who is intent on ruling the world.
这部影片以古代中国为背景,讲述了一个惊心动魄的故事:一位武林高手“雄霸”企图称霸天下,为了达到此目的,他就要集合“风”和“云”的力量。 |
Set in post-colonial England, and filmed on location in the UK and India, the epic explores an enormous panorama of themes.
描写一名出身寒微的女子贝姬运用美色与智慧当本钱挤升上流社会的故事。 |
Set in the fictional American town of Springfield (a name chosen for its commonality, appearing in more than 30 states in the US), The Simpsons are generally consistent with a one-income middle-class family.
《辛普森一家》以虚拟的美国小镇斯普林菲尔德镇(之所以选用这个名字是因为它太常用了,在美国30多个州里都出现过这个名字)为背景,讲述的是一个只有一人养家糊口的美国中产阶级家庭的故事。 |