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Colds are unwelcome, but regular visitors to everyone's life.

Cold-blooded animals such as snakes and frogs have to go to sleep in winter. 诸如蛇和青蛙之类的冷血动物在冬天就要冬眠。
Cold-rolled, annealed and pickled without skinpassing the dull products can be used as automobile parts, building materrials and pipings. 经冷轧后施以热处理及酸洗得到的无光泽冷轧产品。用于汽车零件、建筑材料、管类等。
Coldberg RI,Huff JP,Lenz ME,et al.Elevated plasma levels of hyaluronate in patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthrithis.Arthritis Rheum,199l,24:799. 林志雄,余楠生,卢伟杰.关节镜诊断和治疗膝关节炎骨关节炎.中华骨科杂志,1998,18(4):199~201.
Coldly scheming or conniving. 有打算的冷静筹划的或秘密勾结的
Colds and measles may be passed on easily at school, but NOT HIV. 感冒和麻疹在学校里很容易传来传去,但是艾滋病病毒并不容易传播。
Colds are unwelcome, but regular visitors to everyone's life. 感冒是不受欢迎的,但却是每个人生活中的常客。
Cole added: Playing with players like that, it's been a great joy. 科尔补充道:“和这样的球员一起踢球是一件很愉快的事。
Cole climbed off the bench to feature in Chelsea's FA Cup final win over Manchester United, his first appearance in three weeks, but he is still being troubled by his ankle complaint and will go under the knife on Monday. 科尔在足总杯的决赛中替补出场,这也是他近三周的首次登场,但是他的脚踝伤势依旧没有明显好转,所以他将在周一接受手术治疗。
Cole had played just once in six months before last Wednesday's reserve team outing for Arsenal against Coventry, which Sven attended in order to check on his first choice left-back. 在上周三的预备队比赛对阵考文垂前科尔在6个月中只踢了一场球。斯文倾向于把他列为自己左后卫的第一人选。
Cole has declared himself fit for selection on Saturday having trained two days consecutively. He has missed the last two games with a calf strain. 科尔称自己已经康复,并期待周六登场,为此他已经连续两天正常训练。他此前因为小腿肌肉拉伤错过了上两场比赛。
Cole has reported no discomfort and is champing at the bit to aid Chelsea in their quest for honours. 科尔在赛后并没有感到有什么不适,并且也迫切的希望帮助切尔西来争得荣誉.

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