Methods Serosamucin(Rivalta test) and SG were determined protein in samples(hydrothorax or ascites) and compared with CRP determined by nephelometric immunoassay in hydrothorax or ascites and sera.
方法 例胸腹腔积液采用黏蛋白定性(即R ivalta试验)、SG与免疫比浊法测定积液及血清中CRP水平,进行比对。 |
Methods Serum IL-, IL-8 and TNF-α levels were measured with RIA in 7 diabetic patients without complications, 8 patients with early nephro or retinopathy and controls.
方法:用放射免疫分析检测例型糖尿病患者及 例年龄和性别相匹配的健康志愿者血清IL-、IL-8、TNF-α的水平。 |
Methods Sural nerve biopsied specimens from one patient with leprous neuritis were analyzed with histopathology and electron microscopy.
方法分析例麻风性神经炎患者的临床资料,对其腓肠神经活检标本进行组织病理和超微病理观察。 |
Methods The DNA templates were extracted by plasma DNA extraction from gravida(conceived -0 weeks) plasma. SRY gene and four short tandem repeats(STRs)(DS,DS,DS,DS) of fetal DNA were detected by polymerase chain reaction(PCR).
方法应用血浆DNA抽提法提取 例孕7~0周妇女血浆中胎儿DNA,运用PCR扩增技术对SRY基因和个短串联重复序列(STR)多态位点(DS、DS、DS、DS)进行检测。 |
Methods The SV0 promoter of plasmid pSTK was replaced with the .0Kb segment of ALBTRS sequence which cut out from plasmid p A-. The constructed vector was named LN.
方法:用 p A-中的一段.0Kb的人白蛋白组织特异性转录调节序列(ALBTRS)取代 pSTK 中的 SV0启动子,所构建的载体命名为 LN. |
Methods The SV0 promoter of plasmid pSTK was replaced with the .0kb segment of ALBTRS sequence which cut out from plasmid p A-. The constructed vector was named LN.
方法用p A-中的一段.0kb的人白蛋白组织特异性转录调节序列(ALBTRS)取代pSTK中的SV0启动子,所构建的载体命名为LN. |
Methods The anti tussive,anti asthmatic and expectorant effects were observed by concentrated ammonia method in mice,spray method in cavies and capillary method in mice.
方法 :通过浓氨水喷雾实验、二氧化硫刺激法、毛细玻管法、喷雾致喘法、蛋清性足肿胀法以及测量免疫器官重量等实验 ,观察川贝枇杷膏在止咳、化痰、平喘、抗炎及免疫方面的药效。 |
Methods The baggy lower eyelids were corrected by overlapping suture of orbital septum with tighten and shorten skin - muscle flap, and this new method ( Group A) was compared with traditional method Group(B) .
方法 用重叠缝合眶隔和肌皮瓣提拉缩短的方法加固眶隔。 将同期行下睑眼袋矫正术的7例根据术式不同分为两组:A组采用改进的新方法,B组仍用传统方法,比较术后两组并发症的发生率及复发率。 |
Methods The clinical data of patients with tensive pneumocrania that diagnosed andtreated in our hospital from July 99 to Jun 00 were analyzed retrospectively.
方法对99年7月~00年月我院收治的 例张力性气颅患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。 |
Methods The level of neonatal phenylalanine on the dried blood spotcollected on the filter paper was determined by Guthrie bacteria inhibition assay(BIA),with a cutoff of 0umol/L.
方法采用Guthrie’s细菌抑制法(BIA)测定新生儿滤纸干血片中的苯丙氨酸(Phe)含量,筛查切值为0umol/L。 |
Methods The medical data of the OSAHS patients in the Sleep Center of the Duchess Kent Children′s Habilitation Institute from May 999 to May 00 were retrospectively reviewed.
方法回顾性总结香港大学附属根德夫人儿童医院睡眠中心999年月至00 年月的儿童OSAHS病例资料。 |