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We found the correlatio between amplitude of P 00 and the tactual performance test,latencies of P 00 and block design,picture arragement.
P_ 波潜伏期与触摸记形、触摸记位负相关,P_ 波幅与木块图测验、图画排列测验正相关。

We extracted FRIL from Dolichos lablab. 我们研究小组从眉豆(Dolichos lablab)中分离得到凝集素FRIL,其具有凝集特性和糖结合特异性。
We find that laser efficiency increases when strong simmer current enhanced. The appropriate simmer current is . A. 研究结果表明,强预燃能够提高激光效率,合适的预燃电流是.A。
We firstly put forward the torpid molecular shuttle and the inner salt molecular shuttle duo to the structural character of protein and lecithin, and we have designed two species of these molecular shuttles. 我们首次根据蛋白质和卵磷脂的结构特点提出蛰伏式分子梭与内盐式分子梭的概念并设计出两种这类型的分子梭。
We found that the more vigorous energy metabolism, the higher activity of Ca+ATPase, the lower concentration of intracellular free Ca+ and the slighter injury of histic structure and function appeared in the liver with the more abundant glycogen. 果:糖原含量高的肝脏,其细胞能量代谢旺盛,细胞膜Ca+ATP酶活性强,胞浆内游离Ca+浓度相对稳定,组织结构及功能损伤轻。
We found thatthe expression of the adaxial identity gene of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES (AS) wasdownregulated in sawl by using RT-PCR. 我们的 RT-PCR 实验显示,叶背面属性基因 ASYMMETRIC LEAVES(AS)在 sawl 中的表达量被下调;
We found the correlatio between amplitude of P 00 and the tactual performance test,latencies of P 00 and block design,picture arragement. P_ 波潜伏期与触摸记形、触摸记位负相关,P_ 波幅与木块图测验、图画排列测验正相关。
We got six kinds of heparin derivatives, which are RO-heparin, CRS-heparin, / ODS-heparin N// DS-heparin, NDS-heparin, and NDS/NAc-heparin. 它们是RO-heparin,CRS-heparin,/ ODS-heparinN// DS-heparin,NDS-heparin,和NDS/NAc-heparin。
We have noti c ed that T. Kirubarajan and Bar-Shalom et al . JesusGarrcia、T .
We immunize the BALB/c mice with pc.0F and pc .F by paunch and muscle administration and immunize each with different content of 0 g, 0 g 00 g . 研究结果表明,基因疫苗pc.0F和pc .F均在Hela细胞中成功表达,其中pc.0F的表达量比pc .F高。
We insist that there doesnt exist behavior not based on consciousness, and it doesnt exist consciousness not presenting certain behavior either. 我们坚持认为,没有不以意识作为其根据的行为,也没有不表现为某种行为的意识,行为完整地表现意识,意识则以不同的行为方式尽显于人体内外。
We introduce the programming in MOSCOW ML that is a functional program language. 为使用HOL系统,简单介绍函数式编程语言MOSCOW ML,该语言是HOL系统的元语言。

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