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We can see fighters soaring in the sky.

We can see a windmill in the distance. 我们可以望见远处有架风车。
We can see a zebra in the zoo. 我们在动物园可以看到斑马。
We can see as far as the tower. 我们可以一直看到塔那边。
We can see comets only when they come close to the earth. 只有当彗星接近地球时,我们才能看得见它们。
We can see earthworms on the ground after rain. 雨后我们在地上能看到蚯蚓。
We can see fighters soaring in the sky. 我们能看到歼击机在天空中翱翔。
We can see from her outburst here (as well as her treatment of Harry all his life) that Petunia resented Lily, and as we learn in PA2, Petunia is the nosiest woman in the world. 从她这一次爆发(以及她对哈利一贯的态度),我们可以看出,她怨恨莉莉,从《囚徒》第2章我们又了解到,佩妮是“世界上最爱管闲事的女人”。
We can see how the product life cycle works by looking at the introduction of instant coffee. 我们能通过观察速溶咖啡的推广来看产品生命周期是如何工作的。
We can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room. 当一束光线穿进暗淡的房间时,我们可以看到空气中有许多小颗粒在飞舞。
We can see no animals all through the winter. 在冬天,所有的动物都不能被看到。
We can see numberless grains of sand in a windy day. 在风天,我们能看到无数沙粒。

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