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Why and how did you get into music?

Why am I not what I used to be? 为何我不复是从前的自己?
Why am I telling this story? 我为什么要讲这个故事呢?
Why am I trying to see when there ain't nothing in sight? 为什么视线中什么都没有,而我要试图去看清楚?
Why an Independent Food Testing Laboratory? 为什么需要一个独立的食品检测实验室?
Why and how did the early Meiji government pioneer economic development? 明治政府初期,为何要---且怎样去提倡经济发展?
Why and how did you get into music? 你为何、以及如何从事音乐相关工作?
Why and how do we create? 我们为何创造?我们如何创造?
Why anyone would want to steal his car bemazed the man because it was so old. 为什麽大家都想要偷这男子的车使他感到迷惑,因为车子已经很旧了。
Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5? 第五段为什么提到阿诺·施瓦辛格和葛司·布鲁克斯?
Why are China's neighbours not always susceptible to its charms? 为什么中国的邻国一直对中国的魅力无动于衷呢?
Why are Cross-Functional Teams Needed? 为何需要跨职能团队?

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