Distrust can be contagious. But, so can trust.
不信任有传染性。但是信任亦然。 |
Disturb the sound of silence.
打破这份静默。 |
Disturbance of the socioeconomic order or disruption of the state economic plan by any organization or individual is prohibited.
禁止任何组织或者个人扰乱社会经济秩序,破坏国家经济计划。 |
Disturbances in that process, known as transcription, are involved in many human illnesses, including cancer, heart disease and various kinds of inflammation.
细胞如何利用基因信息产生蛋白质被称为转录,该过程的障碍涉及到许多人类的疾病,例如:癌症、心脏疾病、以及各种炎症。 |
Disturbances in the walking path are recognized automatically and stance support instantly activated to protect the user from a potential stumble and fall.
行动路径上的障碍被自动识别而且支撑期支持立即激活以保护用户防止潜在的磕绊和跌倒。 |
Disturbingly, scientists have known since the 1960s that MSG kills brain cells in young animals.
令人不安的是,科学家从六十年代起就知道味精可以杀死幼小动物的脑细胞。 |
Disturbingly, the proponents of reproductive cloning are trying to co-opt the term “therapeutic cloning” by claiming that employing cloning techniques to create a child for a couple who cannot conceive through any other means treats the disorder of infert
令人不安的是,鼓吹生殖复制的那些人(见〈生殖复制:他们要制造婴儿〉一文),正利用著「医疗复制」之名,宣称他们使用复制技术,是为了制造婴儿给那些用尽各种手段都还无法受孕的夫妻。 |
Disturbingly, these gases account for nearly half the problem of greenhouse gas emissions.
令人不安的是,这些气体几乎占温室效应气体排放总量的一半左右。 |
Disulfide bridge In PROTEINS, a covalent bond formed between the sulfhydryl (-SH) groups of different cysteine molecules. Such bridges are important in stabilizing the tertiary structure of peptides and proteins.
二硫桥:在蛋白质中两个半胱氨酸残基的两个巯基之间形成的共价键。这样的结构对于维持多肽和蛋白质三级结构的稳定有重要的作用。 |
Disused tires tured or wrapped up to avoid water accumulation.
空地上的废弃轮胎应该用针戳穿或包起来以免积水。 |
Ditches are dug next to the wire poles to direct the dogs' pee into near-by sewage, and prevent staining the road.
电线杆旁边设计沟槽,狗儿小解后流至水沟中,不会在路面上留下痕迹。 |