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Although his name is synonymous with swashbuckling pirates, New York sea captain William Kidd denied to the end of his life that he ever acted like one.

Although his experiments were designed to support the ideas concerning tie influence of environment upon plants., he found that many characteristics were passed on from one generation to the next, without influence by the environment. 尽管他的研究原本是要证明环境对植物的影响,但他发现许多植物的特点在一代代的流传中并未受到环境的影响而保存了下来。
Although his feelings are wild and extreme, one emotion is certain and steadfast : his unwavering , intense love for you. 虽然他有些粗野和偏执,但对你的爱却很坚定。
Although his grandfather was a nobleman, he was very poor. 尽管他的祖父是贵族,他却非常穷困。
Although his illness had prevented him from studying, he managed to pas the exam. 尽管病情妨碍了他学习,但他还是通过了考试。
Although his name is almost sunonomous with scandal and deceit in his last years, Nixon gained praise as an elder statesman and is recognized for his acheivements in opening up China and calming tensions with Russia. 面对看上去几乎确定无疑的弹劾,尼克松在1974年8月8日宣布,他将于第二天辞职,并开始美国非常需要的拯救行动。
Although his name is synonymous with swashbuckling pirates, New York sea captain William Kidd denied to the end of his life that he ever acted like one. 尽管他的名字成了嚣张的海盗的同义词,但纽约的海军上尉威廉·基德却至死也不肯承认他当过海盗。
Although his peace policy received broad support, the cause for peace was still fraught with difficulties and pain. 虽然他的和平政策得到了广泛的支持,然而和平事业仍然充满了艰难困苦。
Although his technique has continuously evolved - from realism to surrealism and semi abstract techniques - Liu Baomin's paintings have always had an existential feeling to it. 尽管他的表现手法不断地从现实主义到超现实主义,再到半抽象表现技法---刘保民的作品总是有一种存在的感觉。
Although his work performance passed muster, he always dissatisfied his boss. 虽然他的业绩还算可以,但他的老板总是对他不满意。
Although houses may have been of perishable materials, they had stone foundations and were often built in cleared plazas but certainly not in the wild jungle. 尽管房屋也会用到一些易腐的材料,但他们一般会建造石屋并会选在开阔地而不野生丛林。
Although human beings have achieved a remarkable progress in maritime technology, maritime theories, marine instruments and equipments, up to now the problem of safely navigating unmanned ship along a planned route and preventing collision with encounteri 摘要迄今为止,无人驾驶船舶沿计划航向航行以及与相遇船舶避碰的问题未能令人满意地加以解决。

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