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First of all, ?blockers are definitely of great preventive value in patients after myocardial infarction.

First of all it's a common saber,with a hilt damaged centuries ago.The Dao owner,according to his favour,had the shabby hilt carved like that.It appears that the original owner was a cultured man who got the education as master. 首先刀是普通军刀手柄在几个世纪前坏掉刀主根据个人喜爱把残柄雕刻成此样看来原刀主很有雅兴,修养也是很高,所受文化也是在进士或武状元级别。
First of all she just smiled, then she started to laugh. 最初她只是微笑,後来才放声大笑。
First of all tell us your name. 首先把你的名字告诉我们。
First of all the boss doesn't have correct study mentality himself. 首先,老板自身就没有一个正确的学习心态。
First of all the reason of the pulsar dispersion and several popular de-dispersion algrithms are introduced. 首先介绍了脉冲星的色散形成原因以及几种当今流行的消色散算法。
First of all, ?blockers are definitely of great preventive value in patients after myocardial infarction. 首先,毫无疑问?受体阻滞剂对心肌梗死患者病情的发作具有很重要的预防作用。
First of all, Chen detailedly introduced the Long-distance teaching flat's consumer requirements ( offering teachers and students a more integrated teaching scheme and offering each student studying on the internet a more suitable teaching plan). 首先陈文链同学详细介绍了《远程教学平台》的用户需求(建立一个分布式、互动式的远程教学平台,为教师教学、学生学习提供比较完整的教学解决方案,为在互联网上进行学习的同学提供专为其个人制定的教学计划)。
First of all, D-H matrix is used to construct a kinematics model and a geometric parameter identification model for the robot, singular value decomposition (SVD) for Jacobian matrix is given, and elementary row operations are applied to the last 5 rows of 首先,使用D-H矩阵对机器人建立了运动学模型和几何参数识别模型,对雅可比矩阵进行奇异值分解并对分解后的正交阵的最后5行进行初等行变换,以确定需要补偿的几何参数。
First of all, Electricity suppliers generates the electricity. 首先,发电厂产生电。
First of all, Garrison's Gorillas is, despite its no-sense premise and ludicrous one-sidedness, extremely well-acted. 首先,尽管有个荒谬的前提以及可笑的一边倒,《加里森敢死队》有极其精彩的表演。
First of all, He came to atone for sin, so that its power over man was destroyed, and free access to God's presence and favour was secured. 首先,他来赎罪,使人身上罪的能力被摧毁,人就可自由的来到神面前得到恩惠。

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