您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 英汉双语句子大全 >> 的意思
A: We carry through

our plan to save one-tenth of our salary every month.


A: Want to hear something funny? 想要听些好笑的吗?
A: Was the damage extensive? 坏得很多、很严重吗?
A: Was the first West Lake Expo held in 1929? 首届西湖博览会是在1929年举办的吗?
A: Was there ever anything more ridiculous ? 会有更荒谬的事吗?
A: Washing your hands before you eat is very sanitary. 吃东西前洗手是很卫生的。
A: We <I>carry through<P> our plan to save one-tenth of our salary every month. 我们贯彻了每个月存下十分之一薪水的计划。
A: We are checking in. 我们正在办理。
A: We are claiming compensation because of your breach of the contract. 由于你方违约了,我们提出赔偿。
A: We are in the Jiao-Tung University Library! 我们在交通大学浩然图书馆。
A: We are just making a living here and I thind there is no point in having a dog-eat-dog attitude. 我们都是在这里谋生,我想采取相互攻击的态度是没有意义的。
A: We are living in an age in which golden calf is idolized. 我们生活在一个拜金主义的时代。

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