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Credit cards accepted: American Express, Visa, Master, Diners Club,JCB,Great Wall, Peony, Golden Spike, Dragon and Pacific Cards.

Credit card details / credit card details usually means your credit card number and the expiry date. 信誉卡的细节通常指你的信誉卡号码和失效日期。
Credit card entrusted to an employee to use for business expenses exclusively. 是一种仅用于员工商务开销时使用的信用卡。
Credit card fraud happens when consumers give their credit card number to unfamiliar individuals, when cards are lost or stolen, when mail is diverted from the intended recipient and taken by criminals, or when employees of a business copy the card or car 当消费者将信用卡号码给了不熟识的人、信用卡遗失或遭窃、邮件被偷或被罪犯利用、公司职员复印他人信用卡或卡号,信用卡诈骗案就发生了。
Credit card fraud is a growing problem. 信用卡诈骗是个日趋严重的问题。
Credit card use within China is highly limited. 在中国信用卡的使用是受限制的。
Credit cards accepted: American Express, Visa, Master, Diners Club,JCB,Great Wall, Peony, Golden Spike, Dragon and Pacific Cards. 接受以下信用卡:美国运通卡、维萨卡、万事达卡、大来卡、JCB卡、长城卡、牡丹卡、金穗卡、龙卡和太平洋卡。
Credit cards and other currencies are not acceptable. 不接受信用卡或其它币种。
Credit cards are big busine . 信用卡是赚钱的大买卖。
Credit cards are big business. 信用卡是赚钱的大买卖。
Credit cards are very commonly used in western countries. 信用卡在西方国家使用普遍。
Credit cards were supposed to have made me obsolete years ago, but people use me more than ever. 按说多年前信用卡就已经将我淘汰,但是人们用我却多过从前。

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