The retail sales of consumer goods include: (1) commodities sold to urban and rural residents for residential use and building materials sold to them for the construction or repair of houses; (2) food and fuels sold to canteens of institutions, enterprise
社会消费品零售额包括:(1)售给城乡居民作为生活用的商品和修建房屋用的建筑材料;(2)售给机关、团体、学校、部队、企业、事业单位的职工食堂和旅店(招待所)附设专门供本店旅客食用,不对外营业的食堂的各种食品、燃料;企业、事业单位和国营农场直接售给本单位职工和职工食堂的自己生产的产品;(3)售给部队干部、战士生活用的粮食、副食品、衣着品、日用品、燃料;(4)售给来华的外国人、华侨、港澳台同胞的消费品;(5)居民自费购买的中、西药品、中药材及医疗用品;(6)报社、出版社直接售给居民和社会集团的报纸、图书、杂志、 |
The retail sales of consumer goods inclued: (1) commodities sold to urban and rural residents for their daily use and building materials sold to them for the construction or repair of houses; (2) office appliances and supplies sold to institutions; (3) fo
社会消费品零售额包括:(1)售给城乡居民作为生活用的商品和住房及修建房屋用的建筑材料;(2)售给社会集团的各种办公用品和公用消费品;(3)售给机关、团体、学校、部队、企业、事业单位的职工食堂和旅店(招待所)附设专门供本店旅客食用,不对外营业的食堂的各种食品、燃料;企业、单位和国营农场直接售给本单位职工和职工食堂的自己生产的产品;(4)售给部队干部、战士生活用的粮食、副食品、衣着品、日用品、燃料;(5)售给来华的外国人、华侨、港澳台同胞的消费品;(6)居民自费购买的中、西药品、中药材及医疗用品;(7)报社、 |
The retailer accepted the shipment on consignment.
零售商接受了运来的寄售物品 |
The retailer buy goods from the wholesale.
2零售商从批发商处购买货物。 |
The retailer can absorb some of the increase in costs, but he is certain to pass on a percentage to the customer.
零售商可以吸取一部分涨价因素,但他一定会按一定的比例转嫁给顾客。 |
The retailer has to absorb the cost of wastage .
零售商须承受耗损的费用. |
The retailer has to absorb the cost of wastage.
零售商须承受耗损的费用. |
The retailer introduced all sorts of recorders to a keen enquiring consumer.
零售商向那位热切咨询的消费者介绍了所有的录音机。 |
The retaliatory duties could total up to $52m, a tiny fraction of the total value of US imports to Japan in 2004, which was Y6,763bn ($60.3bn).
这些报复关税总额最高可达5200万美元,与6.763兆日元(合603亿美元)的2004年日本从美国进口总值相比是很小一部分。 |
The retention is withheld only for bonus situation.
滞留金只是为了防止承包商违约的情况。 |
The retina is the sense reteshow in back part of the eye.
视网膜是处于眼球后部的感官组织。 |