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With the release of his self-titled album, Garth started country music on the road to expansion and mass appeal.

With the reform of tuition fee system of higher education, students who cannot afford tuition have appeared as a special group at colleges. 摘要随着我国高校收费制度改革的深入和高等教育的大发展,高校贫困生作为一个群体现象已受到社会各界的广泛关注。
With the reformation in the higher education, the training of innovatory talent has been a new task faced by higher education. 伴随着高等教育的改革,创新型人才的培养已成为高等教育面临的新课题。
With the registered capital of RMB 5M, the company is a 3rd-party logistics player dedicated to the import and export agent service, customs clearance, bonded zone distribution, domestic storage, and domestic distribution for textile raw materials, e.g. c 公司注册资本500万元人民币,主营棉花、羊毛、化纤等纺织原料的进出口代理、通关、保税分拨、国内仓储、配送等专业的物流公司。
With the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,sixth in the series, the world will again be embraced by a craze for Harry Potter. 随着哈利·波特系列之六《哈利·波特与混血王子》的面市,全球又将掀起一阵哈利·波特热潮.
With the release of a long-awaited report, US astronomers now have a hit list of observatories that may have to shut down to save the National Science Foundation (NSF) money in coming years. 随着等待已久的报告发布,美国天文学家得到了一份痛心的名单,为节省国家科学基金(NSF)名单上的许多天文台将在未来几年关闭。
With the release of his self-titled album, Garth started country music on the road to expansion and mass appeal. 在以他的名字命名的专辑中,加斯开辟了一条道路,使乡村音乐得以迅速发展并赢得大众的喜爱。
With the release of the government's Food Pyramidin the early 1990s, it was official: the low-fat/high-carb diet was America's food plan. 随着90年代初政府公布的食物金字塔,官方的思想就是:低脂肪高碳水化合物的饮食结构就是美国的饮食计划。
With the research going on, the classification of seismic attributes is more detailedly divided, making the optimum combination and synthetic analysis of seismic multi-attribute become necessary. 然而随着地震属性研究的深入,地震属性的数量和分类也更为细化,因此地震多属性的优化组合与综合分析成为必然。
With the research on the materials related to Chunqiu and Yuanjing in the Zhongshuo, we could sense Wang Tong's view about Chunqiu, furthermore, we could catch sight of the rough outline of Yuanjing which was lost thousand years ago. The rough outlineincl 通过钩稽《中说》里王通对《春秋》和其接续《春秋》所作的《元经》的论述,我们可以整理出王通的《春秋》观,也可以管窥到已经亡佚的《元经》的大致轮廓(作意、起止、取舍、笔法、义例等)。
With the resourceful oil information as well as the IT technology and strength of management from China Petroleum Economics and Information Center (CPEIC), CNPC and the powerful technology, economic strength and international management model of US-Asia D 公司凭借中国石油天然气集团公司经济和信息研究中心丰富的石油石化信息资源及计算机网络建设与管理力量,以两大国际化公司——中国(香港)石油有限公司、美国亚洲商务有限公司雄厚的技术和经济实力及国际化经营经验为依托,以创建的中国石油商务网为窗口,为国内外石油石化客户提供多层次、全方位的石油信息、信息技术以及电子商务服务,帮助广大石油、石化企业实现其产品的全球化网络营销目标。
With the restriction of operation bottleneck result from the Stakeholder gambling among farmer, government and medical institution, the cooperative medical operation mechanism innovation needs to perfect financing mechanism, compensation mechanism and sup 在农民、政府及医疗机构等利益相关主体博弈困境的约束条件下,合作医疗运行机制的创新要在遵循服务可及性公平的前提下,通过筹资机制、补偿机制、监督管理机制及保障机制等方面的健全完善,尤其是通过政府科学合理的制度设计与市场监管,最大化满足农民的基本医疗卫生服务需求,保障合作医疗的持续发展。

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