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Based on the summarization of current situation of fluorine-free mould fluxes at home and abroad, the main problem during decreasing fluorine for high carbon steel and peritectic steel mould fluxes was analyzed, which includes the stability between viscos

Based on the study theory of constructional formation and with the regard to the students themselves, this paper proves into the efficient methods of the language learning, and puts forwards the ways for problem discussion, role played in the specific sce 摘要根据建构主义学习理论,从学生本体角度探讨有效的语言学习方法,提出了问题讨论法、情景角色法、小课题研究法等重构意义的学习方法,并注重改善语言学习环境,激发学生学习的主动性和积极性。
Based on the studying sedimentary facies and palaeokarst surface, 13 transgression-regression cycles and 5 third order sequences are distinguished. 通过沉积相分析和古岩溶面的确定,在该区上石炭统中共划分出13个海侵海退旋回及5个三级层序。
Based on the success in previous programs, MPRI developed a program with the Government of Croatia that focused on assisting and supporting the Minister of Defense and the Chief of General Staff in the areas of NATO/PfP requirements, policy, planning, pea 成功的基础之上,在以前的节目,mpri制定了一项计划,将与克罗地亚政府把重点放在帮助和支持国防大臣和参谋总长在该地区的北约/亲民党的规定,政策,规划,支持和平行动(pso)和模拟训练指挥官和参谋.
Based on the successful application of mudlogging data analysis in evaluations of oil and gas beds, formation preessure and monitoring drilling engineering in the Pushen Well No. 1, one of the key-wells of the Daqing Oilfield, the authors explain the impo 摘要根据大庆油田重点预探井-葡深1井录井施工过程中综合录井资料在评价油气层、地层压力检测和钻井工程监测等方面的成功应用,阐述了该技术目前在油气勘探中的重要作用,及对今后同类油气勘探项目建设的借鉴意义。
Based on the summarization of 20 years breeding and selection experiences of Jiaxian red cattle, the market trends and bio-tech development, the technical measures of breed conservation system which combine the livestock, frozen semen and embryo storage w 本文在总结郏县红牛20年保种选育经验基础上,根据市场发展趋势及生物技术水平,提出了建立活体保种和冷精胚胎保种相结合的保种体系的技术措施,重点探讨了通过引入外血提高郏县红牛早熟性,泌乳性,肉用性的育种技术模式。
Based on the summarization of current situation of fluorine-free mould fluxes at home and abroad, the main problem during decreasing fluorine for high carbon steel and peritectic steel mould fluxes was analyzed, which includes the stability between viscos 摘要综述了国内外无氟连铸结晶器保护渣发展状况,分析了目前高碳钢和包晶钢(特别是亚包晶钢)用保护渣降氟过程中面临的主要问题:高温时粘度-温度特性的稳定性以及保护渣结晶性能的有效控制。
Based on the summarization of discussion about safety science and its knowledge connotation, the object of study, knowledge system and integrated theoretical system structure of safety science are described under the guide of science, interdisciplinary sc 摘要在研讨安全科学和学科内涵若干论述的基础上,以科学、交叉科学、辩证唯物主义为指导,对安全科学的研究对象、安全科学的知识体系、安全科学综合理论体系的构成进行了表述。
Based on the summarization of metallogenic regularities and prospecting indicators as well as an analysis of such characteristics of anomalies as element association, element distribution and component zoning, this paper deals with the relationship betwee 通过总结成矿规律和找矿标志,分析异常的元素组合、分布、组分分带等特征,研究异常、矿化的相互关系,提出找矿靶位。
Based on the summarization of the status and the problem of information sharing, a method of information sharing in the digital city system is presented in this paper, based on production consumption model from the point of view of the production-consumpt 在总结城市信息资源共享现状和存在的问题基础上,从信息生产-消费关系的角度分析城市信息资源共享,提出基于生产-消费模型的“数字城市”信息资源共享方法。
Based on the summary of problems the wetland resources of China facing and the prediction of future trend of the wetland resources in development in this paper, engineering and non-engineering technical measures are designed to ensure restoration, rebuild 本文总结了我国湿地资源目前所面临的问题,各种湿地资源未来发展的趋势,在此基础上,设计了技术措施和非技术措施,以保障湿地生态功能的恢复、重建,修复受损的湿地生态功能,以实现湿地生态功能的调控。
Based on the summary of the development of digital furnace and characteristics of regenerative burner, the paper introduce the digital reheating furnace with regenerative burner which is first new furnace built by Stein-Heurtey Company for ShiJiaZhuang Ir 摘要在概述数字化加热炉发展及蓄热式烧嘴特点的基础上,简要介绍了斯坦因公司为石家庄钢铁股份有限公司建立的第一座数字化单蓄热步进梁式加热炉,并著重说明了此座加热炉系统组成及其应用优势。

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