In the Doha Round, the members of the WTO have had a great argument over the issue of trade and environment, and the failure of the negotiation indicates the balance of the relationship between trade and environment will face more and more challenges in t
在新一轮的“多哈回合”中,各方对贸易与环境议题的争论和分歧较大,谈判的失败标志着世界贸易组织框架下的贸易和环境的平衡将面临更多的挑战。 |
In the Dujail case, media reports piece together an account of what happened, an event often referred to as al karitha,or the disaster.
这场案件中,媒体报告拼凑了一系列发生过的事件,或者成为灾难。 |
In the Dust material the Facing Ratio value from the samplerInfo1 node is what drives the remapping of the solidFractal1 texture through the dustRamp node.
在一个被着色表面的一个点面向摄像时的角度是叫做面比率。如果一个被着色点是直接指向渲染的摄像机的,那么面比率值是1,如果它是垂直于摄像机的,它的数值是0。 |
In the Early Sinian, clastic sediments formed by fluvial and continental glacial actions were developed, while in the Late Sinian, great thickness of marine carbonate rocks formed by two transgression-regression cycles were developed.
早震旦世发育由河流作用与陆地冰川作用形成的陆源碎屑沉积;晚震旦世则发育由两次台地-盆地-台地的海进-海退旋回形成的巨厚海相碳酸盐沉积。 |
In the East legends, Tsing Lung body may teeth, Kirin First, carp tail, a long face to be, may deer horn and got, looks mighty, and in the West mythology, the dragon was more like long wings lizards.
在东方传说中,青龙身似长蛇、麒麟首、鲤鱼尾、面有长须、犄角似鹿、有五爪、相貌威武,而在西方神话里,龙更像是长翅膀的蜥蜴。 |
In the Eighteenth Century, the clergy, like the nobility and gentry, often rode to hounds.
在18世纪,神职人员跟贵族和上流社会人士一样,常常骑马打猎。 |
In the Empire, a standard Dreadnaught carried a squadron of TIE fighters.
在帝国,一艘标准的无畏级携带一个中队的钛战斗机。 |
In the European Union, governments and regulators in some cases “have expressed hostility to take-overs even by countries domiciled in other EU countries,” the report said.
报告表示,在某些情况下,欧盟各国政府和监管部门“对注册地甚至在欧盟其它国家的企业进行收购均有敌意”。 |
In the FDA hearing on rosiglitazone, several meta-analyses revealed a significant increase in the risk of myocardial ischemic events among patients taking rosiglitazone.
在FDA的罗格列酮听证会上,数个荟萃分析表明使用该药的患者其心肌缺血事件的风险显著增大。 |
In the FEM simulation of the loading identification process, the bending moment maintains a constant amplitude, hut its direction is alterable.
在有限元仿真计算中,弯矩载荷的大小保持不变,但方向可调。 |
In the Faculty of Arts, the Graduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning was selected.
文学院的城市和区域规划研究生证书课程入选,获得了这笔资金。 |