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Rebuilding the area is a (top) priority.

Rebound tenderness is noted on physical examination. 体格检查显示有反跳痛。
Rebounds, assists, steals, points all up. 篮板球、助攻、抢断、得分全部提高。
Rebroadcasts also does not have the time to look. Also hasrebroadcasts? ? ? Ultra wants to look! 重播也没时间看啊。还有重播吗???超想看的啊!
Rebuilding has been dogged(7) by almost five years of acrimony(8) over designs, security, insurance and control of the 16-acre (6.5-hectare) site at Ground Zero. 五年来,重建世贸遗址频频引来尖刻的讽刺,从设计、安全、保卫系统到对16英亩(6.5公顷)的遗址的监控。
Rebuilding near-surface velocity field is very important for calculating statics. 摘要近地表速度场的重建是获得准确静校正量的关键。
Rebuilding the area is a (top) priority. 重建这一地区是当务之急.
Rebuilding the superstructure of a modern market economy is essential. 归国留学生是这一重建工程中的“设计师”。
Rebuilding trustIs it possible to rebuild trust when you've been disappointed? 如何重建信任当你已彻底失望时,如何能再相信对方?
Rebuilding — or taking a step back in 2007-08 for the sake of taking two steps forward later — simply won't be acceptable. 重建,或者退一步说,在2007-08年度,为采取两步后,只需不会接受.
Rebuilt after being looted by the Dutch, its basic urban fabric dates from the 18th century. 奥林达曾遭受荷兰殖民者洗劫,后得以重建,现存的城市建筑大多可以追溯到18世纪。
Rebuke the beasts in the reeds, The herd of bulls with the calves of the peoples, Trampling under foot the pieces of silver; He has scattered the peoples who delight in war. 诗68:30求你叱喝芦苇中的野兽、和群公牛、并列邦中的牛犊、把银块踹在脚下.神已经赶散好争战的列邦。

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