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Tatiana:I will obey your orders.

Tasting: This Cuvee under the appellation “Bordeaux Superieur” has been elaborated in a view of developing a concentrated and fruity wine. 品尝:这款命名为“波尔多特级”的混合酒是发展中的果酒的集中体现。
Tata Steel's shares fell 9 per cent yesterday, however, as investors worried that the steel company had paid too much and the deal could weigh on earnings. 但塔塔钢铁股价昨日下跌9%,因为投资者担心该钢铁公司支付的价格过高,交易可能对公司收益产生压力。
Tata operates in more than 54 countries. 塔塔在多达54个国家设立运营机构。
Tata operates in more than fifty-four countries. 在超过54个国家塔塔都有他的的业务。
Tatemote K,CarlquistM,Mutt V.Neuropeptide Y-a novel brain peptide with structural similaritides to peptideyy and pancreatic ploypeptide.Natrre 1982;296∶695~660. 何跃,综述.神经肽Y与缺血性脑血管疾病.国外医学脑血管疾病分册,1998,6∶267~270.
Tatiana:I will obey your orders. 塔蒂阿娜:我会服从你的命令。
Tattoo can be removed from hair by covering with cellophane tape and gently removing.To remove from skin,use baby oil. 头发上的刺青可以用透明胶移除.皮肤上的刺青可以用婴儿油移除.
Tattooists from the United States, Sweden, Peru, Spain, Chile, Brazil and Bolivia took part in the event. 美国、瑞典、秘鲁、西班牙、智利、巴西以及玻利维亚等国的纹身爱好者们纷纷赶来参加这个属于他们自己的盛会。
Tattoos are designs made on the body by cutting or pricking the skin and inserting coloring into the scratch. 纹身是通过刺穿皮肤并在伤处放置颜料,从而在身体上留有图案。
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial. 代表记忆的纹身和被判死刑的骗子。
Tattoos will continue to lose their brilliancy with exposure to UV light, whether it comes from indoors or from outdoors. 纹身在晒黑的过程中会失去光泽,无论在室内或者室外。

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