That proved to be the cue for Shevchenko to score the first goal of the tie.
这或许暗示了舍瓦接下来的第一个进球。 |
That provides a strong incentive to sign FTAs.
这为签署自由贸易协定提供了强大动力。 |
That provides researchers with an upper limit for the mass of the Higgs boson, which helps focus the search.
这个结果提供了希格斯玻色子质量的上限,将有助研究人员寻找希格斯粒子。 |
That prowess has been questioned by some of the regime's opponents because of unofficial reports that Fidel Castro, Cuba's president, has undergone three failed operations for diverticulitis (a swelling of the wall of the intestine).
一些古巴政权反对派对那种医疗优势提出质疑,因为据小道消息称,古巴国务委员会主席菲德尔?卡斯特罗因肠壁肿胀患憩室炎而进行三次(大肠)手术[注:国内媒体均报道为肠道内出血]但却均失败。 |
That publican of the bar is a woman.
那家酒馆的老板是个女的。 |
That pulls a higher proportion of the air inhaled through the burning tobacco, rather than through the paper sides of the cigarette.
这时吸入的空气大部分是流经燃烧的烟草而非包裹烟草的香烟纸。 |
That purple berry rolling over to your hand, gives a slight kiss to your fingers.
紫色果子在你手指之间滑动,给予你手指一个轻吻。 |
That purpose has become apparent as I stand before you on this day while your brethren gather to witness my reflections and the changes of light that mirror your soul.
今天,当你们围聚在我身边,看那些名字在我身上的反射,而光线的变化也折射出你们的灵魂——我越发清楚我存在的目的。 |
That purpose is to achieve all my goals and missions!
我来到这个世界的目的就是完成我的目标和使命! |
That put both ahead of Alonso, whose best was 1m 17.770s.
那样的成绩都比阿隆索的最快成绩1分17秒770还要快。 |
That put it in deeper water (around 20 meters) and above a seabed that consisted of 20 meters of soft alluvial silt and mud deposits.
将它放到更深的水里(20米左右)并且在海床上包括20米的软的淤泥和沉积。 |