He spoke as delegates said that parental paranoiaover testing was putting pupils as young as four under unreasonable pressure from the moment they started school.
同时与会代表还谈到,目前为了迎合考试,家长中逐渐出现偏执心理,这使得四岁的孩子也不得不从进入学校那天起就面临着过重的压力。 |
He spoke at the meeting in favor of the plan.
他在会上发言赞成这个计划。 |
He spoke at the meeting in support of my idea.
他在会上讲话支持我的想法。 |
He spoke at yesterday's meeting.
他在昨天的会议上发言。 |
He spoke broken God's dream.
他就这样破碎了上帝的梦. |
He spoke darkly of possible future disaster.
他悲观地说将来可能大难临头. |
He spoke feelingly about his dismissal.
他激动地谈到自己被解雇一事。 |
He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really come across.
他讲了很长时间,但他的意思没有人真正理解. |
He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn't really come across.
他讲了很久,但并没有人真正理解他的意思。 |
He spoke for the best part of an hour.
他讲话用了大半个钟头 |
He spoke for too long, as is his wont.
他讲话时间太长了,这正是他向来的习惯。 |