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Chinese are pround of/take pride in Liu Xiang.

Chinese and western drama have their own merits and defects respectively, so the only way to perfect them is to exchange with each other and learn from each other. 尽管中西戏剧艺术千差万别,各有千秋,但只要相互交流,取长补短,就能将戏剧这一艺术形式达到完美的境界。
Chinese and western restaurants and coffee house have different styles of flavor, forming a silent and elegant, easy space in noising business activity, making you enjoy silent and clear atmosphere to the most. 中西餐厅、咖啡厅风格各异,在喧嚣的商务活动中成为一方幽雅舒适的天地,使您尽享清幽宁静的氛围。
Chinese and western restaurants, 160 guest rooms, meeting center, the first intelligent three-story park of the city, the digital film express, travel service, concierge, car renting, etc. 大小中西餐厅,160间客房,会议中心,智能立体停车场,科技前沿的数码冲印,健康休闲的旅游服务,委托代办、汽车出租等服务。
Chinese and world history in junior high have been compressed into two years from three, while the single year in senior high devoted to history now focuses on cultures, ideas and civilizations. 初中历史从3年被压缩到2年,高中只有一学年的历史教学,现在却集中于文化、思想和文明。
Chinese are extremely materialistic and selfish. They are whiny and have never contributed anything to the society they lived in. 中国人唯利是图也非常自私,他们牢骚满腹,从来没有为他们生活的社会贡献过任何东西.
Chinese are pround of/take pride in Liu Xiang. 中国人以刘翔而自豪。
Chinese are the weakest link in this earth. 中国人是地球上一群最虚弱的单元。
Chinese art has great attractive to me. 中国艺术对我有非常大的吸引力.
Chinese as main language complemented by English language in a bilingual education system. 母语为主英语并重的教育体系。
Chinese athlet Li Hongli won the Men‘s Weightlifting 77kg Final on Dec 4th 2006. 2006年12月4日,第十五届多哈亚运会举重男子77公斤级决赛,中国选手李宏利夺冠.
Chinese athletes excellent performance for the five-star red flag of the People's Republic of the world's top stage -- in the last meeting of the Olympic Games began, let Chinese people feel proud and elated in front of the world, truly waione. 中国体育健儿的出色表现,让中华人民共和国的五星红旗在世界顶尖舞台――奥运赛场上一次次升起,让中国人在世界面前扬眉吐气,着实“威”了一把。

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