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The court ordered the bailiff to seize his property because he have not pay his fine.

The court moves to the country in the summer. 夏天王室上下都移居到乡下去。
The court must pass judgment on the accused man. 法庭必须向被告宣示判决。
The court of King Solomon was noted for its splendor. 所罗门国王的宫廷以其华丽著称。
The court ordered Alibaba to compensate the defendant eighty thousand CNY as well as to post an apology to Qihoo on Alibaba's official website for seven continuous days. 法院判令阿里巴巴赔偿原告八万元,并且连续七天在官方网站上向奇虎公司致歉。
The court ordered him to make full restitution of the money to the people he had stolen it from. 法院命令他一分不少地把钱退还给遭他偷过的失主。
The court ordered the bailiff to seize his property because he have not pay his fine. 法院命令执行官扣押他的财产,因为他没有交纳罚款。
The court ordered the council to inquire into the conduct of the two officers. 法庭命令委员会深入调查这两名官员的所作所为。
The court pronounced a sentence of three years on the accused. 法庭宣判被告人服三年徒刑。
The court pronounced against my claim to the land. 法庭宣判不承认我对这片土地的权益。
The court pronounced the accused not guilty. 法院宣判被告无罪。
The court recorded an open verdict on the dead policeman. 法庭对警察死因不明的裁决作了记录.

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