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As Socrates describes them, the last two sounds somewhat alike.

As Shaya reached second base, the opposing shortstop ran to him, turned him in the direction of third base and shouted, “Run to third. 在沙亚到达二垒的时候,对方的游击手跑向他,把他引向三垒并且对他喊:“往三垒跑。”
As Shell announced last week an insufficient plan to reroute its dangerous pipeline, Sakhalin islanders discovered a huge amount of debris apparently dumped by project sub-contractor in a shallow bay crucial to the island's vital fisheries. 壳牌宣布,上周变更了他们危险的管线铺设路线计划,库页岛当地居民发现了大量由工程承包商倾倒的垃圾,而倾倒地点正是对当地渔业自关重要的浅湾区域。
As Simon's mother-in-law was sick in bed with fever, they immediately told him about her. 西满的岳母正病在床上,发着高烧。他们马上告诉耶稣她的病情。
As Singapore has promoted itself as a hub for biotechnology research, dengue has quickly become a common cause. 随着新加坡将自己发展成为生物科技研究中心,登革热已经成为全球共同事业。
As Sloan reminded us all, it's easy to forget this was a Utah team that struggled mightily coming down the stretch of the regular season. 在斯隆提醒我们之前,很容易让人忘记这支爵士队在常规赛的一段曾为了一场胜利苦苦挣扎.
As Socrates describes them, the last two sounds somewhat alike. 如同苏格拉底所言,前两者有些相似。
As Sonny and Cher,they had many hit records. 他们以“索尼与谢尔”的名义,录制了许多热门的唱片。
As South Korea's outgoing foreign minister, he knows the situation well. 作为韩国杰出的外长,他深知时机的成熟。
As Su explains, bodies have become artistic tools. 正如苏文祥所说,身体已成为艺术表现的工具。
As Sue was sketching a pair of elegant horseshow riding trousers and a monocle of the figure of the hero, an Idaho cowboy, she heard a low sound, several times repeated. 苏正在给故事主人公,一个爱达荷州牧人的身上,画上一条马匹展览会穿的时髦马裤和一片单眼镜时,忽然听到一个重复了几次的低微的声音。
As Sue was sketching a pair of elegant horseshow riding trousers and a monocle on the figure of the hero, an Idaho cowboy, she heard a low sound, several times repeated. 当苏娥正在为主人公——爱达荷州的一个牛仔画他在赛马会上穿的漂亮马裤与单片眼镜,她听见一个低的声音重复了好几次。

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