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The compressive strength of lower alkalinity steel slag autoclaved product decreases when mixed with pyrite tailing alone.

The compression chamber is about the size of a pencil eraser, the fuel injectors are pen-point holes and the turbine is about the size of a 10 cent piece. 压缩器就如一块橡皮擦一样大小,燃料注射器比笔尖上的小洞还小,而涡轮机就如一个1角钱澳洲硬币一样大。
The compression forces equally distributed around the perimeter provide a tight bi-directional shut off. 压缩力沿着周长均匀作用,使得阀门能够实现双向紧密关闭。
The compression of the soil under the applied stresses would force some water out of the voids. 施加压力压缩土壤会使一些水从孔隙中排出。
The compression process will take seveal hours. 这个压缩的过程可能需要几个小时。
The compressional stress mainly comes from SW, and the NE direction acts as a resistance. 挤压应力主要来自南西方向、北东方向起阻挡作用。
The compressive strength of lower alkalinity steel slag autoclaved product decreases when mixed with pyrite tailing alone. 单独掺入硫铁尾矿,低碱度钢渣蒸压制品的抗压强度下降。
The compressive strength of the autoclaved product increases when mixed with pyrite tailing with lime or gypsum present. 在系统中存在石灰或石膏的条件下,硫铁尾矿的加入在实验范围内有利于蒸压制品抗压强度的提高。
The compressor works under better conditions and compared with that of wind cool combination, the life can be doubled. 压缩机在更为良好的环境下工作,寿命比风冷机组可延长一倍以上。
The compromise was a face-saver for all concerned. 妥协是一种保住颜面并顾全大局的手段。
The compulsion felt to meet such obligation. 责任感一种想负起这种义务的感情
The computation grid and some computed results are given here. 给出了计算所使用的网格和一些计算结果。

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