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We inform you that Mr. Yoshii, who has held our procuration for the last fifteen years, will in future sign for the firm.

We inferred from this that dinosaurs sustained more rapid growth until the adult stage, because there would be no other good explanation for the persistence and predominance of fibro-lamellar tissue. 由此我们推论,恐龙一直到成熟期都维持较快速的生长速率,这是说明羽层状组织持续占多数的最佳解释。
We inform our trading desk to stop booking new deals of this type, but find out a disturbingly large number of these deals has already been booked. 于是马上通知交易部门停止该期权的交易(已经签好的和约不能停止交易),但是发现大量令人忧心的合同已经签订了。
We inform the king that if this city is built and its walls are restored, you will be left with nothing in Trans-Euphrates. 16我们谨奏王知,这城若再建造,城墙完毕,河西之地王就无分了。
We inform you that Mr. Thomas, who has held our procuration for the last fifteen years, will in the future sign for the firm. 兹通知,过去15年中任我公司代理的托马斯先生今后将为本公司业务担任签名责任。
We inform you that Mr. Y., who has held our procuration for the last fifteen years, will in future sign for the firm. 兹通知,过去15年中任我公司代理的Y.先生今后将为本公司业务担任签名责任。
We inform you that Mr. Yoshii, who has held our procuration for the last fifteen years, will in future sign for the firm. 兹通知,过去15年中任我公司代理的吉井先生今后将为本公司业务担任签名责任。
We inform you that on the 1st of this month, we established in this city a Dry-Goods busine under the firm-name of John-Smith. 兹定于本月一日我们在本市以约翰-史密斯的名义开设绸缎棉布行,特此奉告。
We inform you that on the 1st of this month, we established in this city a Dry-Goods business under the firm-name of John &Smith. 兹定于本月一日我们在本市以约翰.史密斯的名义开设绸缎棉布行,特此奉告。
We inform you that on the 1st of this month, we established in this city a Dry-Goods business under the firm-name of John & Smith. 兹定于本月一日我们在本市以约翰.史密斯的名义开设绸缎棉布行,特此奉告。
We inform you that on the 1st of this month, we will establish in this city a Dry-Goods busine under the firm name of John-Smith. 兹定于本月一日我们在本市以约翰。史密斯的名义开设绸缎棉布行,特此奉告。
We inform you that on the 1st of this month, we will establish in this city a Dry-Goods business under the firm name of John-Smith. 兹定于本月一日我们在本市以约翰。史密斯的名义开设绸缎棉布行,特此奉告。

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