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In daily life, the metaphor of body-part is based on the mapping.

In current season, the most popular leading actor on the table is nothing else but the hairy crab. 这个时节的上海最旺的餐桌主角莫过大闸蟹了。
In current society, the rate of mental diseases becomes more and more high and mental disorder criminals also increase. 摘要当今社会,精神疾患比率越来越高,精神障碍者犯罪也呈上升趋势。
In current stages, there being absorption without creating, individual without communion and cooperation, dilettante and aimless in mathematics teaching multi-media plan. 摘要现阶段数学教学课件中存在拿来主义、缺乏再创造,单边主义、缺少交流与协作,泛泛主义、没有针对性等问题。
In cyberspace, there is nowhere to hide; even the water coolers have microchips. 在网络世界中没有藏身之处,就连冷水器也有微芯片。
In cylindrical organs, such as stems and roots, the term radial is often used instead of anticlinal. 在圆柱状的器官如茎、根中,通常用“放射状的”这个词来代替“垂周的”。
In daily life, the metaphor of body-part is based on the mapping. 在现实生活中,人体隐喻主要依靠映射来实现。
In daily life, we often make judgements about what is polite and what is not polite. 在日常生活中,我们常常对什么是礼貌的,什么是不礼貌的做出判断。
In damaged stems and roots, and in those undergoing secondary growth, it is replaced by a secondary layer, the periderm. 已损伤的茎和根,以及进行次生生长的根茎中,表皮被次生层即周皮代替。
In dandelion (Taraxacum), for example, the chromosomes of the megaspore mother cell remain in one cell after the first meiotic division, forming a restitution nucleus. 例如在蒲公英中,在第一次减数分裂后,大孢子母细胞的染色体仍在一个细胞中,形成一个再组核。
In danger of being speared on the end of an umbrella by a bearded giant, Uncle Vernon's courage failed again; he flattened himself against the wall and fell silent. 面对着可能被一个大胡子巨人用伞尖戳伤的危险,维能姨夫的又泄了气;他回退到墙角,紧贴着墙不说话了。
In darkness and in concealment, My house being now at rest. 无光无忧,拾级掩饰的暗梯--啊,真幸运--黑暗而隐蔽,我的寓所正在安息。

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