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Saudi Arabia, now the Arabs' diplomatic heavyweight, has joined the fray too.

Saudi Arabia's current account surplus will decline 28 per cent to about $70bn (€52bn, £35bn) from $96bn last year, the IMF forecast. IMF预测,沙特阿拉伯今年的经常账户盈余将下降28%,从去年的960亿美元降至约700亿美元。
Saudi Arabia's move came as bond yields in Europe and the US remained near six-month lows on growing scepticism over global growth prospects. 沙特决定增产之际,正值欧洲和美国的债券收益率维持在近6个月的低点,市场对于全球经济增长的前景越发怀疑。
Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt would also be gratified by the clipping of Iranian wings, though they dare not say so openly. 尽管他们不明说,沙特阿拉伯,约旦和埃及对除掉伊朗这个翅膀也是满意的。
Saudi Arabia, Opec's linchpin member and the world's largest oil exporter, has been cutting its output since the end of last year. 自去年底以来,欧佩克关键成员国和全球最大石油出口国沙特一直在削减石油产量。
Saudi Arabia, for one, has been selling less oil of late. 而沙特阿拉伯最近便减少了石油的售卖。
Saudi Arabia, now the Arabs' diplomatic heavyweight, has joined the fray too. 目前阿拉伯国家中的外交要国沙特阿拉伯也已经参与了这个冲突。
Saudi Arabia‘s oil industry on Friday came close to the most serious terrorist attack in its history when suicide bombers targeted the Abqaiq processing plant, the world's biggest oil producer. 虽然此次袭击并未中断出口,但人们担心恐怖分子在计划一次新的袭击以打击石油产业,油价因此暴涨。
Saudi Aramco has not released enough data to quash a theory that its oil reserves are not nearly as large as it contends, and that its output may have peaked. 有一种理论认为沙特石油公司的实际石油储备量并没有其声称的那样多,而且它的产量已经达到了顶峰,但是沙特石油公司未能提供足够的数据来反驳这理论。
Sauer, 58, is known as a rather timid partner of the German chancellor. He did not even go to her inauguration in late 2005. 今年58岁的萨奥尔生性羞涩,他甚至没有参加2005年底默克尔的总理就职仪式。
Saul : Wait, your mother is letting him cook in her kitchen? 等下,你妈妈任由他在她的厨房里煮食物?
Saul Bellow describes his impressions of the seemingly endless cornfields of Illinois. 索尔·贝娄描述了自己对伊利诺伊看似无边无际的玉米地的印象。

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