A big wind can blow through a small hole.
针尖大的窟窿,斗大的风。 |
A big, black dog was barking at the boy on the bicycle, and a boy was running after them.
一只大黑狗正对著骑脚踏车的男孩叫,而有一位男孩正追赶他们。 |
A big, black mane is hot, shaggy and attracts trophy hunters, but it makes a lion irresistibly sexy to the lionesses, researchers reported.
浓密乌黑的鬃毛虽然给雄狮带来不少的麻烦,除了夏天格外闷热之外,还会招来捕猎者的注意,不过研究人员发现,雄狮的鬃毛对母狮来说却哂形薹ǖ挚沟男晕A? |
A big-power stand against North Korea and Iran? Or rivalry as usual?
一个大国的立场是准备反对北朝鲜和伊朗还是与其正常竞争? |
A bigger current account surplus and a more aggressive monetary policy are necessary conditions for ending the Japanese malaise.
要治愈日本的疾患,更大的经常帐户盈余和更积极的货币政策都是必要条件。 |
A bigger loss, and it becomes more likely that the LDP will choose a caretaker leader and then call a general election.
一个更大的失败,并且很有可能成为现实的是自民党将成立看守内阁并随即举行大选。 |
A bikini is not a bikini unless it can be pulled through a wedding ring.
不能穿过结婚戒指的比基尼就不是比基尼。 |
A bikini which reminds sunbathers to turn over so they don't get burnt has been launched in Britain.
河南报业网讯英国发明了一种可以提醒日光浴者及时躲避太阳以防晒伤的比基尼泳装。 |
A bilingual kindergarten and boarding school established for children of domestic and foreign investors.
为国内外投资创业者子女入托、入学而创办的双语幼儿园和双语寄宿学校。 |
A bilious philosopher's opinion of the world can only be accepted with a pinch of salt, of epsom salt by preference.
胆汁质(暴躁)的哲学家的世界观,要加上一小撮盐方能接受,惟以泻盐为较佳。 |
A bill approved by the Senate yesterday to spur stem cell research would go a long way toward removing restrictions that have slowed progress, burdened laboratories with red tape, reduced American competitiveness and discouraged young researchers from ent
几名顶尖的干细胞科学家称,昨天参议院通过的一项旨在激励干细胞研究的法案将对解除以前的种种研究限制大有裨益,这些限制减缓了研究进程、增加了实验室的繁文缛节、降低了美国的竞争力以及影响了年青研究员进入该领域的积极性。 |