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Some 20,000 men, women, and children were behaving as they would on any other festive day—working, relaxing around their vacation homes, going to the public baths, strolling through the city's marketplace, or lunching in one of the many restaurants in tow

Some 16 years after the country's real estate bubble burst, land prices have finally started to rise again. 日本在经历了16前的房产市场泡沫破裂后,土地价格最后还是重新\上涨。
Some 180,000 new jobs were created in March and the unemployment rate fell to 4.4%, three-tenths of a percentage point lower than a year ago. 三月份新增180,000个就业岗位,失业率降至4.4%,低于去年同期水平0.3个百分点。
Some 2,000 are in Afghanistan, where Italy's engagement is a source of anguished misgiving for the radical and pacifist left. 其中有2000在阿富汗——既是意大利的交战国同时也是激进分子和左翼和平主义者痛苦疑惧的发源地。
Some 2,500 pigeons have disappeared from the square since but, according to Mike Tuffrey, Liberal Democrat spokesman on the London Assembly, an estimated 1,000 diehards have stayed put. 自此之后,约2500只鸽子已从广场上消失,但根据英国自由民主党伦敦市议会发言人塔夫瑞表示,大约1000只顽固的鸽子仍死守广场不去。
Some 20 tourists from Germany, the Netherlands, USA and New Zealand attended a parabolic flight, which is a part of cosmonauts training. 共有大约20名来自德国、美国、荷兰、新西兰等国的游客参加了这次特殊的体验课程。
Some 20,000 men, women, and children were behaving as they would on any other festive day—working, relaxing around their vacation homes, going to the public baths, strolling through the city's marketplace, or lunching in one of the many restaurants in tow 约两万名男女和孩童表现得就像任何一个节庆一样:工作、到渡假别墅放轻松、去公共澡堂泡澡、到城里的市集閒逛,或在镇上许多餐馆中享受午餐。
Some 200 fans and media from seven Asian countries, including Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia, also joined in the session via video conference. 来自新加坡、泰国、印度尼西亚等七个国家约200名粉丝以及媒体记者,藉由网络联机同步参与了这场盛会。
Some 22 years later I was in Arkansas visiting my lawyer brother before returning to China to teach for another year. 22年之后,在回中国准备继续任教一年之前,我去阿肯色州看当律师的哥哥。
Some 25 people were detained in Rome after minor scuffles with military police. 一场与警方发生的小型冲突后大约有25名示威者被拘留在罗马.
Some 250 commercial and military satellites now orbit in the lowest altitudes, according to the Satellite Industry Association, and most of them are defenseless against the radiation that would be released by a high-altitude atomic burst. 数目不断增加的人造卫星为我们提供通讯、导航、无线与有线电视,以及地面摄影与天气预报等服务。
Some 28,757 people in 31 provinces and regions received free anti-viral treatment. 在全国31个省区共有约28,757人接受了免费的抗病毒治疗。

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