If Chengdu Municipal Government can set aside 80 bn RMB from its revenue each year, there will not be such problems as unemployment, school dropouts or inadequacy of health care.
成都市只需从每年800亿人民币政府税收收入中(不包括其他收入)拿出10%,失业问题、失学问题、看病问题等就不是问题。 |
If Chicago is able to look at the exit optimistically, they'll take the loss as fodder for next year's playoffs in hopes that they'll get a second crack at Chauncey Billups, Rip Hamilton, and Co.
如果公牛能将今年的出局看成是为了明天走得更远的准备,那么也许下一个赛季,当活塞和公牛再次碰头的时候,面对活塞的后场双星(都不知道昌西走不走呢)他们会有更高的自信。 |
If China Netcom were nimbler-and perhaps freer-here’s how this story could have played out: When China Netcom saw a few funds cashed up to their eyeballs and hungry for a deal, they could have played on “nationalistic” fears just long enough to extract th
如若中国网通能够更加灵活,或者是更加独立自主,那么事情就会像下面这么演绎了:当中国网通看到映入自己眼帘的这些急于希望达成交易的部分资金时,他们就可能会表现出“民族主义式的”畏惧,直到能够从竞买者那里获得可能的最高价。 |
If China applies for the Olympic Games successfully, as a host country, which gymnasiums will you prepare for the Olympic Games?
如果中国申办奥运会成功,作为主办国,你们将为奥运会准备哪些比赛场馆? |
If China can avoid being goaded into war, her oppressors may wear themselves out in the end, and leave the Chinese free to pursue humane ends, instead of the war and rapine and destruction which all white nations love.
现在那些自称“文明”的国度,滥用封锁、毒气、炸药、潜水艇和黑人军队,很可能在未来几百年里互相残杀,从世界舞台上消失,而只对下那些爱好和平的国家,尽管它们贫穷而又弱小。 |
If China could continue to maintain a relative abundance in manpower, China will continue to be a positive contributor to the global economy.
如果中国能继续保持相对充裕的人力资源,对全球则是个有益的补充。 |
If China does succumb to bird flu, it will not be for lack of official plans.
如果中国屈服于禽流感,那将不是缺乏政府计划的原因。 |
If China is on its way to becoming a superpower, it will be the world's poorest one yet.
就算中国真地成为超级大国,那也一定是世界上最贫穷的超级大国。 |
If China is thwarted by protectionist barriers, its people will be correspondingly frustrated and dangerous.
如果中国受阻于贸易保护主义壁垒,那么中国人也会为之感到沮丧而变得危险起来。 |
If China were a person, he needs to see a psychologist.
如果中国是一个人的话,那他就需要去看看心理医生。 |
If China were to build or purchase an aircraft carrier, such an asset would enable it to provide increased air defense and support for amphibious operations.
如果中国兴建或购买航空母舰,这些资产将使它能够提供更多的防空作战、支援两栖作战. |