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We have heard of the pride of Moab he is very proud Of his haughtiness, his pride, his arrogance and his self-exaltation.

We have got a great chance and everybody's desperate to do well,explained Terry. There's pressure and rightly so because with the players we've got I think we have underachieved. “我们机会很大,每一个人都渴望做得很好,”特里解释道。“肯定有压力,可这很好,因为同这些球员在一起我们总是觉得没有拼尽全力。”
We have got great stadiums, we have got huge public support and there is a huge enthusiasm for this from the clubs and authorities. 我们有很棒的大型体育场,我们有巨大的群众支持,数不胜数的俱乐部与知名人士们都热衷于此.
We have got to dig deep, in an ideal world we would have all our players fit and you would see our real team, but other teams are the same and we have got to get on with it. 我们需要好好的思考下了,在一个完美的世界里我们应该让我们所有的队员都适应,那个时候你就会看到我们真正的队伍.但是其他队伍也一样,我们应该继续做好.其他队伍也有伤员并且不能上场,所以我们不能一直用伤员太多作为我们的借口.
We have got to root out those elements from within our community that want to destroy it. That puts different burdens on all of us. “我们要把这些因素从我们社会中彻底清除出去,我们的社会要求摧毁它们,我们任重道远。”
We have great expectations,said backer Kevin Christie. 赞助人凯文·克里斯蒂说:“我们对这个项目抱有很高的期望。”
We have heard of the pride of Moab he is very proud Of his haughtiness, his pride, his arrogance and his self-exaltation. 耶48:29我们听说摩押人骄傲、是极其骄傲.听说他自高自傲、并且狂妄、居心自大。
We have held talks and they have offered Olivier a four-year deal. “我们进行了会谈,英国方面也愿意为奥利夫提供一份为期4年的合同。”
We have here on the level of sedimented meanings the same processes of routinization and trivialization that we have already noted in the discussion of institutionalization. 如我们已讨论的制度化,例行化和琐碎化在意义沈淀的层次上也是相同的。
We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,they answered. 17门徒说、我们这里只有五个饼、两条鱼。
We have lost this game because we made mistakes. That's how Chelsea play. They play deep looking to counter attack and then punish any mistakes. That's what happened today. 我们已经丢了比赛因为我们所犯下的错误。切尔西他们及时的打了反击,而我们的必须为我们的错误受到惩罚,这就是今天所发生的。
We have never negotiated with Lampard about his arrival in January. “我们从未联系过兰帕德,当然他也不可能在明年一月加盟我们。”

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