We have all along held the corpprate philosophy of “Daily progress”and “Quality wins.”we sincerely welcome enquiries and co-operations with customers from the whole world .
宝丰员工始终坚持“天天进步、以质取胜”的精神,热忱欢迎各界朋友前来洽谈合作,宝丰真诚与您携手共进。 |
We have all been conditioned by our upbringing .
我们都习惯于所受的教养. |
We have all been conditioned by our upbringing.
我们都习惯於所受的教养. |
We have all been gifted with the ability to make a difference.
我们都拥有创造非凡的天赋。 |
We have all been to presentations where the presenter said “it looks good on my machine at home.
也,颜色通常不移植得很好在一个系统上看起来很好的月台–之间时常在另外的一个系统上看起来贫穷。 |
We have all earned the wage of sin.
我们大家都已挣得了罪的工价。 |
We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong.
我们大家都有过事事不顺心的日子。 |
We have all heard the legend about the monster who lives in Spooky Forest.
我们都听说过关于恐怖森林里住着一只怪物的传说。 |
We have all kinds of construction machinery on the job site.
我们有各种施工机械在现场。 |
We have all seen small, short-legged people struggling on heave-topped, strong warm bloods.
我们都见过矮小,腿比较短的骑手艰难地驾御强壮高大的温血马的情景。 |
We have all suffered from broken pro-mises.
我们大家都饱偿过不守诺言的痛苦。 |