His career began when he took over his parents' zoo in Queensland to help breed endangered creatures, such as the Sumatran tiger.
史蒂夫·欧文的职业生涯开始于他接管自己父母位于昆士兰的一家动物园,他在该动物园内一直致力于诸如苏门答腊虎等濒危野生动物的繁育工作。 |
His career blossomed from then on.
从那时起他的事业兴旺起来。 |
His career has come full circle to the club where it began.
他在事业上经过一番周折,如今他又回到了最初工作的那家俱乐部。 |
His career has seen a whirlwind of ups and downs.
他的事业经历了大起大落。 |
His career is a story of utter disaster .
他在事业上一事无成. |
His career is at its peak now.
他的事业现正处于颠峰时期。 |
His career is on the line again.
他的职业生涯在一次处于危险之中。 |
His career is/lies in ruins.
他已前途尽毁. |
His carelessness led to his failure.
他的粗枝大叶导致他的失败。 |
His cartoons mercilessly lampooned the leading politicians of the day.
他的讽刺漫画无情地挖苦了当今的政界要人. |
His case/defence is unanswerable.
他的辩解无懈可击. |