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LINDA: Thanks. Here goes: the Daily News, the Stamford Gazette, the Connecticut Record, and the New York Times.

LINDA: I'm getting very nervous. 琳达:我非常着急。
LINDA: I'm not. I'm terribly nervous. 琳达:不是,我非常紧张。
LINDA: Is everything going OK? 琳达:事情都还顺利吧?
LINDA: Mike, a little sugar is OK. 琳达:迈克,吃一点儿糖没关系。
LINDA: Please give him my regards. 琳 达:请代我问候他。
LINDA: Thanks. Here goes: the Daily News, the Stamford Gazette, the Connecticut Record, and the New York Times. 琳达:谢谢。这儿有各种报纸:《每日新闻》、《斯坦福德公报》、《康涅狄格州纪事》、《纽约时报》。
LINDA: We don't have much time. 琳达:我们没有多少时间了。
LINDA: We'll start next week - if I can find the script. I'll be with you in a minute, Rita. 琳达:如果我能找到脚本的话,我们将在下周开始。我马上就去找你,丽塔。
LINDA: We're two hours behind. 琳达:我们晚了两个小时。
LINDA: Why didn't Mary Beth come? 琳达:为什么玛丽•贝思没来?
LINDA: Why not? I think he's handsome. And he's tall. He's taller than Mary Beth. He has it all. 琳达:为什么不呢?我觉得他英俊、高大,个子比玛丽·贝思高。我们所要求的各种条件他都具备。

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