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A: Someone told me you have a kind of bank account that both earns interest and allows me to write checks.

A: Some eggs, and a small cabbage. 给我拿一些鸡蛋,一小棵卷心菜。
A: Some people always get cold feet when they go to a test. 有些人当他们去考试的时候,总是感到害怕。
A: Some people are not very considerate. 有些人就是不替别人着想。
A: Some workers are spreading rumors about the company's financial situation. 有些员工散布关于公司财务状况的谣言。
A: Someone stole my purse. I had some valuables in it. 有人偷了我的钱包,我有一些贵重的物品在里面。
A: Someone told me you have a kind of bank account that both earns interest and allows me to write checks. 听别人说,你们有种户头既可以有利息又可以开支票的。
A: Sometimes I'm wondering why some famous writers and actors want to commit suicide. 有时我很好奇为什么一些著名作家和演员要自杀。
A: Sometimes directories will be left behind after an uninstall. 答:有时,在卸载之后,目录会被留下。
A: Sometimes, the narrow-minded people make me frustrated. 胸襟狭窄的人,有时使我泄气。
A: Sorry to bother you, but do you have change for a one? 对不起,麻烦你,你有1元钱的零钱吗?
A: Sorry to have bothered you. B: Not a bit (of it). 对不起,打扰你啦。乙:哪儿的话!

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