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A horse, especially a working farm horse.

A horse reeking with sweat. 浑身汗水的马匹。
A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats. 不想驮鞍的马,没有燕麦吃。(不劳动不得食。
A horse used in combat; a charger. 战马作战所用的马;军马
A horse with patchy markings of white and another color. 杂色马,花马一匹有白色或另外一种色斑的马
A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse! 一匹战马!一匹战马!我愿以我的王国来换取一匹战马!
A horse, especially a working farm horse. 道宾马尤指一种农场用马
A horseracing enthusiast, especially one who watches races at the outer rail of the track. 比赛狂赛马的迷恋者,尤指在跑道外侧栅栏处观看比赛的人
A horseshoe has always been considered a good luck char. 马蹄铁一直被视作一种吉祥物。
A hortage of 50M/T i a ig lo for us. 50公吨的短重对我们是个不小的损失。
A hospice for travelers or pilgrims. 旅客招待所供旅行者或朝圣者住宿的地方
A host node is provided with an I/O port and a display monitor. 主机节点是由输出入埠和一个显示器所提供。

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