Lewis Carroll. Halftone photomechanical reproduction of photograph. (No date found on item.) Location: Biographical File Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-70064. (Image courtesy of the Library of Congress.
路易士.卡洛尔的照片,以网版照相技术翻印.(日期不详)地点:传记文件复制号码:LC-USZ62-70064.(图片由国会图书馆提供). |
Lewis Gordon Pugh gets used to the bitter cold as he prepares for a record-breaking dip.
在正式打破最低水温游泳的世界纪录前,英国游泳健将李维斯·戈登·普正在冰川上作热身运动。 |
Lewis for his part has been uniquely cited, personally issued a restraining order by the town's animal control officer.
而该镇动物管理部门的官员则向刘易斯下达了一项限制其行动自由的法令。 |
Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.
路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。 |
Lewis is a diehard democrat.
刘易斯是民主党的死硬派。 |
Lewis is writing an allegory, however, which means that his brand of Old Magic certainly does stand for something else in his Christian world view.
但刘易斯写的却是一个寓言故事,这就意味着,他那古老的魔法在他基督教的世界观之下自然代表了一些其他的东西。 |
Lewis' eyes were watery and his speech slurred, according the report, and the car smelled of alcohol.
据报道说刘易斯的眼睛里冲水,说话含糊不清,车里有浓重的酒味。 |
Lewis, the United Nations special envoy for AIDS in Africa, conducted a highly successful grass-roots gathering of about 300 African and Canadian grandmothers over the three days before the AIDS conference.
这些因艾滋病而失去儿女并且担负起抚养孙子孙女重担的非洲祖母们生动地向加拿大祖母们描述了自己的生活。 |
Lewis: You are, all of you, amateurs.
刘易斯:你们全都是业余的。 |
Lex is suspicious that the topic of Clark Kent always seems to come up when he and his father discuss people with abilities.
每当莱克斯与父亲莱诺讨论到“超能力人群”的话题时,克拉克表现出来的态度和行为总让莱克斯感到蹊跷。 |
Lexical chunks include all those multi-word units which have fixed forms and prefabricated meanings.
它包括所有形式上具有固定性、语义上具有预制特征的多词单位。 |