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After lunch there will be a walk in the grounds of the chateau to see the Jugendstil nymph fountains, a work dating from 1903 by Walter Schott.

After losing two straight games and four of five, the Los Angeles Lakers find themselves both on the brink of securing a playoff seed and dangerously close to dropping out of the race altogether. 在最近的两连败,并输掉过去五场比赛中的四场后,湖人现在走到了一个十分危险的境地——他们现在稍有闪失就可能丢掉西部季后赛的名额。
After lunch Father rested in the hammock. 午饭后,父亲躺在吊床上休息。
After lunch he retired to his study. 他午饭後就到书房去了。
After lunch he retired to his study. 他午饭后就到书房去了。
After lunch the boat will take you around the islands and we will do another stop for swimming and fishing by GPS. and fish location equipment. 午餐后我们将乘船绕岛航行,我们将在某处停下来游泳和垂钓,我们的船是有装全球卫星定位系统和鱼儿定位装备。
After lunch there will be a walk in the grounds of the chateau to see the Jugendstil nymph fountains, a work dating from 1903 by Walter Schott. 午餐后,萨奥尔一行将在城堡四周“漫步”,参观(雕刻大师)沃尔特·肖特1903年的作品--德国“青年派”风格女神雕像喷泉。
After lunch we headed for the beach. The first interesting thing that met us was this miniature train - we could not help ourselves up for a ride. 吃完午餐,就朝海边前进罗!一到海边就看到这可爱的蒸汽小火车,忍不住赶快坐上。
After lunch, I asked Daming to take a nap and have a rest somewhere at the corner after putting things in order. 吃完午饭,稍微收拾完,我让大明在角落里找了个地儿打打盹,歇会儿。
After lunch, I usually take a snap and then watch a soap opera. 吃完午饭,我通常小睡一会儿,然后看一部肥皂剧。
After lunch, it was my turn to take the scraps out to the garbage can. 午饭后,轮到我把剩下的东西倒到垃圾桶去。
After lunch, we walked along the street slowly. What impressed me the most was Jinli Promenade of Sichuan Folklore. 结束午餐,我们沿街慢行。路途中印象最深的,是锦里的巴蜀风情街。

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