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[To confirm your identity and prevent third parties from subscribing you to the list against your will, an e-mail message with a confirmation code will be sent to the address you specify in the form.

[This last part is admittedly speculative. [最后这部份纯属推测。
[Time Lapse, Ross has entered. [时间掠过,罗斯进来。
[To JULIET] If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. (向朱丽叶)要是我这俗手上的尘污亵渎了你的神圣的庙宇,这两片嘴唇,含羞的信徒,愿意用一吻乞求你宥恕。
[To a Servingman] What lady is that, which doth enrich the hand of yonder knight? (向一仆人)搀着那位骑士的手的那位小姐是谁?
[To comprehend is to know a thing as well as that thing can be known?(John Donne). “理解就是以一件事物所能被认识的程度去认识”(约翰·多恩)。
[To confirm your identity and prevent third parties from subscribing you to the list against your will, an e-mail message with a confirmation code will be sent to the address you specify in the form. 为了确认您的身份,防止第三方未经您的许可就把您的名字列于这张名单上,我们将按您在表中给出的地址,给您发送一封带有确认代码的电子邮件。
[To contact with us through telephone, fax or email, identify the situation of area and hot spring to finalize the fish quantity, and the contact method of your company. 通过电话、传真或电子邮件与我们联系,详细说明贵公司的场地及温泉情况确定需要购买的数量,以及贵公司的联系人、联系方式。
[Translation] I keep getting lost in this city. You ask me the way home, I have no answers. Couldn't you tell that I am different from the others?! 在这个城市里,我不断地迷路。你问我回家的路,我张皇失措,难道你看不出我跟别人不同吗?
[Try to uncheck all checkmarks above if you're experiencing troubles with\nsending files.But it can cause problems with transfer of large files. 如果在发送文件时出现问题,尝试勾上所有的选项。但是问题也可能因为文件过大引起的。
[Undo] Reversible actions. Users should be allowed to recover from errors. Reversible actions also encourage exploratory learning. 用户应该被允许反向操作,现实证明,反向操作有利于探索性的学习。
[UserName=flying0422]Why does the dog watch me eat? 为什么那只狗看着我吃??

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