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Boswell's biography of Johnson.

Boston fans reveled when Auerbach lit a cigar to signify that another victory was secure. 每当奥尔巴奇点燃一只雪茄时就暗示着球队锁定了胜利,波士顿的球迷就会开始狂欢。
Boston has been socked in for two days. 波士顿机场关闭两天了。
Boston is often known as Beantown due to the strange habit of making baked beans with molasses! Here are some other famous Boston foods. 波士顿人喜欢把烤的豆子和糖浆混在一起吃,所以波士顿常以“豆乡”而闻名。这里有其他一些出名的波士顿的食物。
Boston will provide a primary text. 重点是研究波士顿。
Boston-based Gentle Giant Moving once hired an entire athletic team. It looked like a great work environment because of the people,says rower Niles Kuronen, 26. It was huge to be able to work with friends.It feels normal for Gen Y employees to check in by 因此,目前负责招募和留住Y世代,培育他们成为下世代全国主管方案的史密斯,在勤业公司提出一项计画,重点放在帮助他们想想下一步就业动作。
Boswell's biography of Johnson. 博斯威尔撰写的约翰逊传记.
Boswell, James. London Journal: 1762-1763. Edited by Frederick A. Pottle. Reprint edition. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1992 [1950]. 詹姆士·鲍斯威尔,《伦敦日记》。弗雷德里克·爱·波特尔编辑,再版。新港和伦敦:耶鲁大学出版社,1992(1950)版。
Botanic insecticide is one of the important ways to develop new pesticides at present. The resources, insecticide biological active substance, mechanism, forumulation of botanic insecticide are reviewed in this paper. 摘要植物源杀虫剂的研究与开发是当前新型农药创制的热点。对植物源杀虫剂的资源、活性物质、作用机理、剂型加工等方面的研究进展作了较为详细的综述。
Botanic perfuming can guard against diseases,repel bacteria,prevent inflammation,spasm and promote cell metabolism and regeneration. 植物香董,可防病抗细菌,可防发炎,防痉挛,具促进细胞新陈代谢及细胞再生功能.
Botanical 1. Relating to the study of plants. 植物学的1有关植物的研究。
Botanically speaking, the tomato you eat is a fruit. So is a watermelon, green pepper, eggplant, cucumber, and squash. A fruitis any fleshy material covering a seed or seeds. 从植物学角度来说,西红柿算水果类.就跟西瓜,辣椒,黄瓜等一样.水果植物学的定义是任何带种子的果实.

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