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By transformation of the downcomer of the Claus gas separator, methanol entrainment by Claus gas is eliminated, the oil content in the methanol in the system reduced, and good economic benefit obtained.

By tradition , people play practical jokes on 1 April. 按照传统风俗,4月1日可以开恶作剧的玩笑.
By tradition, crops from Gaza make up the shortfall. 依传统,加沙地带的谷物将弥补这一缺口。
By tradition, there are always seven Sworn Brothers of the Kingsguard. 依照传统,御林铁卫共有七名。
By training twice daily and taking a nap, the dedicated rider gets four hits of growth hormone daily resulting in higher levels of fitness sooner. 以每日两次的训练和小睡一下,奉行的车手能每天获得四次击中球一般的生长激素及较快导致高水平的健康。
By transcendental devotional service one is able to know Me, truly, as all pervasive and also as I am; knowing in truth, thereafter enters unto Me, thereby. 通过超然的奉爱服务,他就能够如“我”一般地了解懂得“我”。因为“我”是遍透一切的,觉知了真理的人,因此就可以进入“我”。
By transformation of the downcomer of the Claus gas separator, methanol entrainment by Claus gas is eliminated, the oil content in the methanol in the system reduced, and good economic benefit obtained. 对克劳斯气分离器降液管改造后,消除了克劳斯气夹带甲醇的现象,降低了系统甲醇中的油含量,取得了较好的经济效益。
By transforming the metaphysical wisdom into individual spiritual noumenon and universal norm system, philosophy not only defines and explains the world, but also standardizes and reforms the world. 通过化形上智慧为个体的精神本体及普遍的规范系统,哲学既说明、解释世界又规范、变革世界。
By transforming the reference frame of the velocity field of horizontal movement observed by GPS during 1999-2001 and 2001-2004 in the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet block and then deducting the holistic movement of the region from it, the result ou 摘要将1999~2001年、2001~2004年两个时段中青藏块体东北缘GPS水平速度场进行参考框架的变换,扣除区域刚性整体平移和旋转,得到反映区域内部相对运动的水平速度场。
By transgression an evil man is ensnared, But the righteous sings and rejoices. 箴29:6恶人犯罪、自陷网罗.惟独义人欢呼喜乐。
By transverse exposure, periodical modulation of refractive index is formed along the axis of optical fiber. 制备原理是对光纤横向曝光,使光纤的折射率指数在轴向发生周期性变化。
By treating exchange rate, Taiwan's gold price and world's gold price as endogenous variables and treating other variables which affecting exchange rate, Taiwan's gold price and world gold price as exogenous variables, the paper constructs simultaneous eq 在联立方程式方面,本文之实证乃是以美元汇率、台湾黄金价格与世界黄金价格作为内生变数,并以影响此三个内生变数之相关经济因素做外生变数,然后建立联立方程式模型,以探讨黄金市场与外汇市场之互动关系。

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