Whereas Galileo released a probe to investigate Jupiter's atmosphere, the Cassini orbiter will send the Huygens probe to Titan, not Saturn.
伽利略号释放了一枚探测器调查木星的大气,但卡西尼号轨道船则将惠更斯号探测器送往土卫六,而非土星本身。 |
Whereas Japanese are pretty straight to negotiate with .They will take their time.
(然而日本人是相当循规蹈矩的谈判伙伴,他们将会慢慢来。) |
Whereas Jet Airways, in operation since 1993, has become the undisputed leader of India's skies, China's first private airline, Okay Airways, started flying only in February 2005.
印度航空自从1993年开始运营以来,已成为印度航空业无可争辩的领头羊,而中国的首家私营航空公司奥凯航空在2005年2月才开始运营。 |
Whereas LQ said, why there was such a haste switch during RPS, the production team was also at fault, as he really did not know about the scandals between WLR and WSW, thus he didn't really think too much when he first casted them, in the end when all the
林树乔昨天则说,当初「剪刀石头布」会发生换角状况,剧组也有错,因为事前他真的不知道王绍伟跟王俐人在闹绯闻,以致于媒体要求让两人在同一时间定装,他也没多想,结果最后写出来全是绯闻,惹得经纪公司不快。 |
Whereas Party B shall open a sight L/C in favor of Party A to pay each shipment of Color TV Sets to be delivered by Party A.
乙方开出以甲方为受益人的即期信用证,支付甲方交付的每一批彩电。 |
Whereas Poland's politics are buffered by strong growth and fairly sound finances, Hungary's are aggravated by the consequences of five years of spendthrift rule.
然而,波兰政治因为其经济强劲增长和非常健全的财政制度得以缓冲,但五年来的挥霍无度则让匈牙利局势更为恶化。 |
Whereas a classical violin string will vibrate no matter what the properties of space and time are, a quantum string is more finicky.
古典的提琴弦不管时空的性质如何都可振动,但量子弦可就挑剔多了。 |
Whereas a land collectively owned by peasant is contracted out for operation to ones not belonging to the corresponding collective organizations, a consent should be got from the over two-thirds majority vote of the villagers' congress or over two-thirds
农民集体所有的土地由本集体经济组织以外的单位或者个人承包经营的,必须经村民会议三分之二以上成员或者三分之二以上村民代表的同意,并报乡(镇)人民政府批准。 |
Whereas an advertising agent or publisher is unable to provide the true name and address of the advertiser(s), it should bear all the civil responsibility.
广告经营者、广告发布者不能提供广告主的真实名称、地址的,应当承担全部民事责任。 |
Whereas an employee asks to terminate the labor contract due to occupational disease or becoming disabled because of work the enterprise should pay the social insurance agency the reemployment settlement fee for those who becoming disabled because of work
因患职业病或因工致残的职工,若本人要求解除劳动合同,企业应按当地政府规定,向社会保险机构缴纳因工致残就业安置费。 |
Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.
11就是天使,虽然力量权能更大,还不用毁谤的话在主面前告他们。 |