Archaeologists have traced many Roman roads in Britain.
考古学家在英国发现了许多古罗马的道路. |
Archaeologists have unearthed 2,400-year-old treasure in a Thracian tomb in eastern Bulgaria, the director of the country's history museum said yesterday.
保加利亚考古学会丹尼拉·阿格里教授率领的15人考古队于23日从中发掘出一顶黄金桂冠、一尊酒器、一枚金币,以及古希腊的陶器、武器和盔甲等陪葬品。 |
Archaeologists work at a site on a hillside in Puruchuco, Peru, a suburb of Lima, at the request of the Lima government, where an Inca graveyard with 72 people who were hastily buried was found.
受利马市政府的委托,考古学家们正在位于利马郊区普鲁楚柯一座山坡上发现的一处古墓穴处工作,这个墓穴中发现了72具古代印加人的尸骨。 |
Archaeology data and other document data also prove that the currency had arisen in the Soloon's time.
考古资料及其他文献资料也都说明雅典国家梭伦时代有货币。 |
Archangels can use Resurrect only once during a combat.
在一场战斗中,大天使只能使用一次复活。 |
Archangels: Resurrect Archangels can resurrect friendly units from a stack that have been decimated or partially destroyed.
大天使:复活大天使可以复活本方的部队,无论那个分队是被全灭了还是只损失了一部分。 |
Archegonium The female sex organ of the mosses, ferns, clubmosses, horsetails, most gymnosperms, and some red and brown algae.
颈卵器:一些苔藓,蕨类,红藻,褐藻和裸子植物中的雌性生殖器官。 |
Archeological evidence points to a multitude of factors, including internecine warfare, the loss of trade routes, drought, and disease.
考古上的证据有很多种,包括内战,贸易途径的消失,干旱和疾病。 |
Archeologists - claim that the Maya began counting time as of August 31, 3114 B.C.
考古学家——声称玛雅在公元前3114年8月31日开始计算时间。 |
Archeologists are working hard in the sun.
考古学家在日光下辛勤的工作。 |
Archeologists have uncovered the remains of the oldest mummy ever found in Peru's capital, Lima -- a high-ranking official of the Huari tribe who lived about 1,300 years ago, researchers said on Wednesday.
秘鲁首都利马的一名官员日前说,考古学家不久前在离利马不远的地方发现了一具约有1300年历史的无头木乃伊,这是利马迄今发现的最古老的木乃伊之一。 |