Skateboarders (age 6 to 24 years old) are more than twice as likely to bicycle (any type) than those who do not skateboard (age 6 to 24).
比起白色/白种人来说,华裔美国人参加户外活动的规模较小,那些参加户外活动的华裔美国人人数大致与参加运动的白种人相同。 |
Skateboarding is a big sport now and a lot of companies are trying to get noticed, lower there prices is one thing they do, it isn't the best idea to by a Walmart or Zellers skateboard and now a days you can usually get a really good board for a low price
滑板现在是项体育大项目了,很多公司为了努力使自己的产品被关注,降低价格是一件事,去沃尔玛等大商场买就不是好主意了,现在你完全可以低价买到很好的滑板了。 |
Skateboards are the latest craze.
滑板运动是目前最时兴的玩意儿. |
Skater boy rockin up MTV.
阿飞在MTV里摇摆! |
Skating is interesting.
滑冰很有趣. |
Skating is one of the winter sports.
滑冰是冬季体育运动的一种。 |
Skating on the skating rink is good fun.
在溜冰场溜冰是很有趣的。 |
Skehan, P. 1998. A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning. Oxford University Press.
桂诗春、杨惠中.2003.《中国学习者英语语料库》,上海外语教育出版社. |
Skeletal animation system consists of a series of bones which are hierarchical in nature.
骨胳动画系统由一系列与自然层次相符的骨头组成的。 |
Skeletal muscle loss occurs with age in all mammals and probably results from a cumulative failure to repair damage caused by normal use.
骨骼肌随年龄增加而衰退的现象,在所有的哺乳类动物身上都会发生,可能是肌肉正常使用时的损伤没有修复,日积月累的结果。 |
Skeleton of the primitive web-footed marine reptile of Africa and South America, evidence of the former union of the 2 continents. Early Permian, Brazil. University of California, Los Angeles.
远古的脚趾间有薄膜的非洲和南美的海里的爬行类骨架,从前这两块大陆的联合的显著证据,早二叠纪,巴西.洛杉矶,加利福尼亚综合大学收藏. |