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Describes how the conceptual model is mapped to the storage model.

Described and reported by the GIA Laboratory as a range from the thinnest to the thickest valleyareas (i.e., thin placeslocated between the bezel-main intersection and where the upper and lower halves meet). 描述和报道的GIA的实验室作为距离最薄的厚度为谷地区(即薄地地处面板主要路口,而上,下半满足).
Described as the Lafite-Rothschild of the Languedoc-Roussillon, Daumas Gassac is producing the most exciting non-appellation wines in France today. 号称“隆多山丘的莎都拉菲城堡”,玛德玛嘉萨出品的葡萄酒被当今法国人誉为“无冕之君”。
Described as a thief or an insurrectionist, Barabbas is mentioned in all four Gospels. 巴拉巴在四部〈福音书〉中皆有提及,被描述为小偷或造反者。
Describes a trader who needs and plans to buy a commodity. 指一个交易者需要并打算购买一种商品。
Describes a writer whose work appears all over the city. 描述一位涂鸦的作者出现在全城市。
Describes how the conceptual model is mapped to the storage model. 描述概念模型是如何映射到存储模型的。
Describes how to design and create an Entity Framework application. 描述如何设计并创建一个基于实体框架的应用程序。
Describes its novel structure, the main features of which are the U shape single row heat exchanger, underneath type fan module and corrugated filter screen. 摘要介绍了节能型低噪声卡式双吹风机盘管机组采用的新型卡式双吹风结构,其特点是采用了U形单排管换热器、下置式风机组件、波浪形过滤网等部件。
Describes motivations for ERPs: Infrastructure (common platform), Capability (process improve, data visibility), and Performance (cost reduction, decision making, customer responsiveness). 介绍ERP的推动:基础建设(一般平台)、能力(流程改善、资料能见度)、以及效能(降低成本、决策支援、回应顾客)。
Describes several telegraph systems, in many countries, that predate electrical telegraphs. 文中讲述了在电话之前许多国家的几种电报系统。
Describes the appearance of characters; for instance font, font style and font size. 字符外形描述,如字体,字符样式(我理解应该是粗体、斜体之类的样式),字符大小。

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